View Full Version : Scared if appendicitis:(

21-08-13, 21:07
I keep gettin belly ache and pains in my Tummy I know its probs nothing todo with my appendix probs just wind or something but I can't get a appendicitis out of my head & its driving me crazy! Like literally I'm petrified incase I end up in hospital and I'm petrified incase I get a appendicitis its all I think about even though I work full time I just need help to get rid of this thought and don't know how to? I'm full of 'WHAT IFS' but I know if its Gona happen it'll happen I'm just so scared. :( any help will be appreciated xx

21-08-13, 22:43
Hi could of wrote this post myself I am having same problems at minute I keep getting pains on right side its either really low down or quite high I am scared its my appendix I am in a right state I had pains for years on and off but every time I get it I think this time is different, I have ibs do you, ,just want to say I feel the same and people say if it was appendix you would no. X

21-08-13, 22:52
The pain would get.worse and worse.until it was severe, I mean.unable to.walk pain. You would without.a.doubt.know.about.it very.soon.

This was my worry too.and was.soon put at ease by a doctor x