View Full Version : Hopefully my last thread - memory loss, brain tumor?

22-08-13, 10:43
Ive had millions of symptoms, ive worried about loads of illnesses but now im worried about a brain tumor.

Over teh last month ive got the wrong date for two appointments so when ive turned up Ive missed them. I keep misplacing things.and.cant remember where I put them. I also keep leaving.my bank card.in.the machines in shops and leaving my shopping once or twice.

Mixed with my.headaches and.tinglea yet.again im terrified. Is there any chance.i dont.have.a brain.tumor? :(

22-08-13, 10:54
unless you are suffering really bad headaches i would not worry you are probably just distracted with anxiety and worry hence you forget things sure you are fine you need to relax a little bit and give your mind a chance to relax blessings

22-08-13, 10:58
Ive had millions of symptoms, ive worried about loads of illnesses but now im worried about a brain tumor.

Over teh last month ive got the wrong date for two appointments so when ive turned up Ive missed them. I keep misplacing things.and.cant remember where I put them. I also keep leaving.my bank card.in.the machines in shops and leaving my shopping once or twice.

Mixed with my.headaches and.tinglea yet.again im terrified. Is there any chance.i dont.have.a brain.tumor? :(

Hi, there is a massive chance you DONT have a brain tumour, I was admitted to hospital ? Brain tumour two years ago and after scans and MRI and other tests, I was told it was anxiety and panic. In the last few months I have had extreme anxiety/panic daily and this had a massive impact on my concentration, like you I left card in ATM, I would ask my family questions and they would say mum we told you that earlier and I had no recollection at all. I think our brains are so consumed with the mental side of our problems that we don't function effectively in everyday tasks. If you are really worried you need to get it checked out but I am sure you will be fine :bighug1:

22-08-13, 11:39
I am like that too Stawberrys.I sometimes think I have brain tumor or something wrong with my brain. I don't know if has something to do with anxiety or not.
I don't know what to do myself

22-08-13, 12:09
I am also like that Strawberrys. I am constantly worried that the next headache is a massive inoperable brain tumor and that I will die. Can you write down the details of a Doctors appointment so you won't forget it and then get yourself checked out? Just to put your mind at ease. :)

22-08-13, 15:55
Thanks guys. I cant go back to the doctors they're sick of me.ive been so many times. The last one told me if I ever was.seriously ill nobody would believe me which has got me frightened beyond belief.

I feel sick today which I know is a brain tumor sign, along with forgetfulness, headaches and body tingles and.dizziness I cant see how its not a brain tumor. Crying now :(

22-08-13, 16:00
These are all also symptoms of anxiety.

22-08-13, 16:52
Part of coping with health anxiety is learning to live with uncertainty. There is a chance - but it is surely very, very ,very small. And given your fragile state of mind, it is much more realistic that it is anxiety causing these problems.

Also, you probably forget things everyday - you are just giving it more importance because you feel it is a symptom of what you fear. If drinking tea was a symptom, your mind would be imagining that you were drinking excess tea. I hope you been better soon.

22-08-13, 18:15
I also have brain tumour anxiety but i've had head pains/aches for over 10 years. Seems like most recently I started getting dizziness, anxious feelings, and visual disturbances.

I Noticed that when I'm very anxious I start feeling dizzy and nauseas. That's probably why your'e dizzy is because you're scared. THere is a small chance you could have a brain tumour, even for me, we both would have SEVERE symptoms that would leave us unable to walk.

Don't worry about it, and if you need someone to talk to message me x

22-08-13, 19:01
I definitely agree im placing more importance on it now im thinking about it. The thought didn't even occur to me until my spinal tumor worry was ruled out.

I know there is a small chance, and this is whay I fear. And stupid.google.says there.could be mild or no symptoms at all :(

25-08-13, 13:53
You don't have a brain tumour. Headaches are one of the last symptoms of a brain tumour. All of your symptoms can be explained by anxiety. Your memory problems are easily explained. In order for information to be retained in memory we have to attend to it. People with Ha are usually thinking about their symptoms. So when you get your appointment time it never actually makes it from your short term memory to your long term memory because you aren't really attending to it. This is backed by research evidence. Instead you are distracted by your fears and worries.

25-08-13, 15:11
"Is there any chance I don't have a brain tumor? :("

Based on what I read, IMO, I would say there's a 99.9% chance you DON'T have a brain tumor.

While I don't suffer from HA, I've had times in my life where I was preoccupied and stressed over personal situations. When we're preoccupied and stressed, our memory can be affected and it can cause all sorts of other ailments like tense muscles which lead to headaches which lead to nausea etc.

Many years ago, I was having extreme personal issues in a relationship. I had to go somewhere, hopped in my car and hit the interstate. I recall seeing the sign for the exit ahead at 2 miles. The next thing I recall was "awakening" so to speak still driving but not sure where I was. Shortly thereafter I saw a sign that let me know I had missed my exit by about 20 miles! I had no recollection of driving the 20-25 minutes! It scared the bejeebers out of me. My doctor explained that I was perfectly safe. One half of my brain was telling my body what to do....look at the road, watch the speed and rear view etc. The other half was consumed in thought about my problems. Your memory lapses are caused by the same thing. Your preoccupation with your health consumes your thoughts and thus it's basically "in one ear and out the other" when it comes to things people say or recalling appointments.

Point being, it was not a brain tumor or illness or anything of the sort. Sometimes the hardest things to see are the things right in front of your eyes. Positive thoughts and prayers you find a way to manage your HA.


25-08-13, 17:43
Thankyou both for your replies. Unfortunately for two days I have had a constant pressure headache,.which is worse when I cough/sneeze/bend over. Everything I.read.points towards an aneurysm or a tumor, so im now even more frightened.about.this huge red flag.headache!