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22-08-13, 12:38

I'm Sarah, 32 years old and fed up of anxiety and its horrible symptoms so joined the forum for advice and support.


22-08-13, 13:30
Hi Sarah today I have done the same . for the same reasons !

22-08-13, 13:59
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

Can you tell us a bit about your background with anxiety and what treatment you've had?

22-08-13, 16:04
Hi Pepsi and Sparkle1984

My 'anxiety background' is that I began getting palpitations two years ago and after having numerous scans and tests I was diagnosed with benign ectopic heartbeats and pectus excavatum (basically my chest bends inwards, putting slight pressure on my heart and lungs). I tried beta blockers for a while to regulate the beats but these made me really dizzy as I have naturally low blood pressure anyway.
My main symptoms are dizziness, and the feeling that a burp is caught in my chest and this causes me to gasp for air for a second, I also feel spaced out a lot of the time, as if I have a constant hangover and I'm viewing the world through a 'fog', and also get pins and needles in my hands.
Technically there's nothing physically wrong with me as the palpatations aren't dangerous so I can only put the symptoms down to anxiety. I've had panic attacks in the past and worry about most things (worry about feeling worried most of the time!) and my symptoms do get worse with the more stressed I am so I think it has to be anxiety related.
I've found that yoga and meditation really helps though, as does eating well and drinking no caffeine! Really looking forward to sharing tips/support with other like-minded anxious people!:)

22-08-13, 16:39
Hello everyone!

My name is Laura I'm 26 years old, I've been living with my GAD for 3 years now. I've had anxiety in the past even when I was a child. I always did everything in patterns with fear that something bad would happen if I didn't do things a certain way. But not until 3 years ago did I experience my first panic attack. I thought I was having a stroke because of the tingling sensation and numbness I felt on face and my arms. For a long time I have been dealing with it on my own and I take a low dose of propranolol. I thing it's gotten to the point that I need something to go with my propranolol like maybe an SSRI? I keep thinking something is wrong with my heart and I get pain in my left arm, I've had heart tests about 6 months ago and everything was fine. I know it's just my anxiety, but have any of you experienced that feeling in your arm too?

22-08-13, 16:59
Hello Everyone,

Joined today and while I haven't had any treatment I have been experiencing my issues for approximately two years now (I posted a thread of my back ground a few minutes ago if anyone is interested or can help)

A thing I have noticed is that a lot of people seem very positive and in quite high spirits which I am neither when it comes to my situation! Hopefully this site will help.