View Full Version : Cuts In Nose - Leukaemia/Low Platelets?

22-08-13, 16:50
My Nose has felt sore for almost a week now. It started in just one nostril but now it is in both. I noticed I have a small cut in one of my nostrils. Could this be from.Leukaemia/Low Platelets?

Thank You .

22-08-13, 16:56
Sounds more like dry air (not enough humidity in your home), allergies, or possibly virus

22-08-13, 18:01
You could have an infection in your nose. I've just had this after having light nasal bleeding for a few months I went to the doctors a few weeks ago and they gave me some cream.

Apparently if your nose gets dry it cracks easily and it allows a bacteria to grow resulting in infection.

I had the cream for two weeks and touch wood it seems to have stopped now.

I also had the burning and stinging sensation to the point it would make my eyes water, so I'd say that's far more likely than anything sinister.

Take care

22-08-13, 18:56
I know I've asked this Question before as well but I had sporadic Petechiae Spots and Bruises at the end of June and had a Blood Test. I got the results on the 4th July and it was fine. Last week anI got the Petechial Rash again and Bruising. Could this now have developed to Leukaemia? Do I need to repeat it already?

23-08-13, 10:13
Try to rationalise this lb76696: You had symptoms which you thought were leukaemia, you had a blood test which confirmed this was not the case.

You've since had similar symptoms plus a new one which is much more likely caused by dry air, possibly air conditioning. The bottom line is, if it wasn't leukaemia 6 weeks ago it isn't leukaemia now.

You do not have leukaemia.

23-08-13, 10:26
I always have a dry nose and cuts. All my life. I also have a bad habit of not leaving the cuts to heal and continually pick at them. I have had lots of bloods and never a problem with platlets. So no I doubt I you had normal bloods it's lukemia.

Remember when you start to have symptoms outwardly of any illness, if there is somethig to worry about it will already alter your blood. My little boy had a fever a few months ago at only 2 months old. When peads examined him try found no viral symptoms but his bloods were showing somethig was goin on. His white cell count was raised and his inflammation markers were too. So they then ran lumbar punctures etc as they feare menengitis. Anyway we were kept in hospital and the next morning he woke will the cold and sniffly nose! Diagnosed as having a viral upper airway respiratory infection (aka a cold!)

So you see, his blood were showing something was wrong before he was symptomatic.