View Full Version : Choking Sensation/tightness in throat

22-08-13, 18:09
Hi everyone,

I have suffered from GAD and panic attacks for some time and am now doing a CBT course and learning relaxation techniques. I am doing pretty well but I seem to develop new symptoms, new manifestations of my anxiety. The latest one is a choking sensation which is really unpleasant, does anyone else suffer from this? If so, how do you cope with it? Do you have any tips you can share with me? id really appreciate it if you could share as I hate it! I had it today and did a relaxation cd and it relieved it so I guess its just about relaxing, but once you get to the stage where your throat is all tight its really really hard to get it to relax.
Id really appreciate anyones help


24-08-13, 13:59
Yes, I get this choking sensation too. Just realize that that's all it is. A sensation. If you were really choking you would most likely not be here anymore. :)

It cant really hurt you. It's just your body playing tricks on you. Fight or flight and all that. There is probably some technical medical jargon to explain all this to you in every minute detail out there. But would that really help?

From what I've experienced and read in books and the internet this is just one symptom of stress (mental or physical).

When we start worrying about our worries. Well that's something to start worrying about.

Hope this post isn't too confusing. Best of luck to you friend. Hope you feel better soon.