View Full Version : new and medical phobic

22-08-13, 18:24
Hi there I have had panic attacks since I was a 2 year old girl and multi-phobias..The one I have the most issues with is medical phobias..IVs, surgery, x-rays, procedures etc.. I go right into a panic attack..Also scared of weird sensations in my body thats why I dont drink or do drugs.I feel alone and there arnt any understanding nurses or DRs. I've been in therapy and on meds since I was 6. Nothing helps and it scares me. I'm afraid of vomiting, feeling sick etc..I also DO have real ailments that require treatment but i put it off and obsess on it instead...anyone else like this??

22-08-13, 22:07
I went into a full blown panic attack before I got surgery on my ankle when I broke it. I didn't even turn up for surgery the first time and got in alot of trouble from the hospital. When I finally did turn up, I cried like a baby the whole way down to the operating room and didn't give a damn that so many people saw/heard me. I was 19 years old, too!
Before I was put under anesthesia, I was given a "calming" injection into my IV because my heart rate and blood pressure must have been through the roof!

Its quite normal to be scared of medical procedures and I can also completely understand being afraid to do anything which might send you to a doctor.

Might be a good idea to try a different medication or see a different therapist for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. What you have been taking and who you have been talking to hasn't been helping, but something else could!

23-08-13, 22:32
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

I can't comment on your particular issues though as I have GAD rather than Health Anxiety.

23-08-13, 22:40
welcome to the forum..it really helped in the very dark days. things will get better .dave