View Full Version : URGHH!!!

20-10-06, 16:37
What a pain this is!
Panic attacks are back strong as ever.
This time though im losing feeling in my body when I eventually fall asleep which is also very scary!
Just a moan really so sick of it just when im ok it starts again like with us all!
Got lots of problems at home which dont help, just want to be "normal" whatever that is. After nearly 7 years just dont know anymore!!!
Just a rant hate doing it but sometimes needs must!!!
Thanks for listening.


20-10-06, 17:53
Hey Stace.

Sorry to hear your feeling crap again, panic attacks are awful mine are being a pain at the moment. I don't know what to say really apart from try and relax and do something to take your mind off things. Big hugs for you ok.

x x

20-10-06, 17:59
I feel for you stace,alot of us here go through the same thing so rant all you want. Panic attacks (i think) is one of the most painful and frustrating things you can go through and sometimes it doesnt matter how many times people say 'its all in your mind' you just cant seem to control it,your mind doesnt listen! I suffered very bad panic attacks afew years ago but now they have got better....flares up sometimes but there is hope out there,so dont lose it. :D

20-10-06, 18:24
Hi Stace,

Hope things get better soon for you. Hugs for you.

Take Care


20-10-06, 18:39
Hi Stace,

Sorry to hear you have not been too well as late, sending you a BIG HUG, it does us good to have a rant and get it off our chest !



20-10-06, 21:02

It is a blip that is all. You are not back at square one atall.

Try these...

I just give up! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2633)

Feeling back at square one (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3188)

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


20-10-06, 21:11

Hope you start to feel better soon. We all come here for a rant sometimes so never worry about that. Its just another thing we give ourselves a hard time about when we do it...! [8D]


20-10-06, 21:16
aww stace i hear what ya saying when ya start to feel better and ya get slammed again but what ya said about alot going on ..stress is it....thats a trigger for me it is BIG TIME..........I was doing so good till this yr but its all been stress this yr kids getting older bills piling in ect bull............i know thats why im not like i was back in dec .......so once ya settle things at home i know its hard..maybe this set back will subside no it will..............tc my friend Linda xxxxx

20-10-06, 22:56
Hi Stace,

Sorry things are going downhill at the moment, however, I know deep in my heart they will be on the upside again. If you ever never to talk it out you know where to find me. I know it seems like this anxiety never leaves us but try to remember good times when it was better and that this is just a point when it is at it's worst, there are better times ahead, I promise.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

20-10-06, 23:06
Hi stace,things will get better soon.
Take ;)care

Ellen XX

21-10-06, 00:17
Thank you for the replies.
Just really bad and cant pick myself up i hate it.
Thank you again.xxx


21-10-06, 11:20
hope you will soon be feeling better.

it is just a blip stace been there too.

Just look at what you told me you did the other day Christmas Shopping in town [Wow!].

I know you said you had a few panics BUT YOU DID ITand carried on regardless some people would have run after one panic but you carried on and were safe. Keep it up you CAN DO IT

Take care and anytime you want a moan let us know


21-10-06, 14:38
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment - this thing is such a pain. The thing is when I have a 'blip', I find it seems an age ago that I managed to do anything positive ie xmas shopping at town/walking further afield than usual etc. Just seems like it was a different person doing those things. Its so cruel.