View Full Version : back muscle twitches, is doc necessary?

22-08-13, 21:48
Hi All.

I seem to be jumping from one thing to another lately and really have been having the most aweful time of it. I was initially worried about left arm weakness/hand tremors so I went to my doc who did an MRI just for my peace of mind and got clear results back yesterday so i felt great. Now I'm starting to panic again because two days ago I started getting a random twitch in the muscle on back under my shoulder blade. Has been coming a few times a day for a few sporadic minutes each time. Could this be something sinister ALS/muscular dystrophy type stuff that they wouldnt have seen on an MRI? I feel panicky now becauise I never mentioned this symptom to my doctor as it had only just started and i hoped it would go away. I also started on 10mg of Paraxetine on the same day it started but I've been on it before and never had twitching. Its a very unpleasant feeling. Can I put this down to anxiety/meds as I really cant go spiralling out of control again. xx0

22-08-13, 22:04
I have been experiencing some major twitchy-ness over the past couple of months. I would not be concerned, especially since you had a clean MRI. I spoke with two docs, both of whom were not too concerned with the twitching at all.

Yesterday it was my left bicep...omg it was driving me crazy!

Mr m anxious
22-08-13, 22:06
Rollergirl its just anxiety, neurologist told me twitching muscles are a big sign of anxiety and since my ha has disappeared so has the twitching muscles so he was definitely right. Ignore them, they will go go away. Oh and you have more chance of winning thr lottery than having ALS. Trust me.

22-08-13, 22:38
Thanks guys for your responses. I read a earlier post that said ALS isnt detected on an MRI. I think i logically know its anxiety etc but of course us HA'ers always think we're that .001%...or whatever it is. Thanks again...I really appreciate the re-assurance.

22-08-13, 22:41
I'm the same I have MS fears and symptoms but had a clear MRI - I keep telling myself if it were true it couldn't be detected on a MRI - why would they do that test in the first place!?

22-08-13, 22:52
Random twitching could be an electrolyte abnormality such as hypokalemia (low potassium) or hypercalcemia (high calcium). It could also be due to dehydration, muscle spasm from over exertion. Drink lots of water and see your doc if it persists.

You can ask your question on Healthtap for free to US doctors and get an answer within hours. This is a doctor's response to your question (link): bit.ly/1d8E0uY

Try asking the physicians there and see what they say. Hope everything works out for you!

Mr m anxious
23-08-13, 01:04
Not sure but I think ALS shows in blood tests if it's specifically looked for.