View Full Version : sore armpits

22-08-13, 22:45
anyone get sore armpits?
gina x

22-08-13, 23:21
I did. Really bad, its.what.triggered my HA off. It disappeared on its own and now I.have everything.else pain instead lol x

22-08-13, 23:56
I have had this for about a week now it scares me Dr thinks fungal infection or hormones postmenopausal 57 years old..what caused yours and how long did it last?
Gina x

23-08-13, 05:12
Anyone else help?

23-08-13, 08:35
I do from time to time, normally occurs about a week after I've shaved! Always feels like swollen glands.

I always used to get this before my period and I went to the doctors about it and he wasn't concerned said it was due to hormones and retention of fluid.

So I would say yours could well be down to hormones by the sounds of it.

take care

23-08-13, 08:37
same as munchlet I get awful pain after I shaved but hey im not walking around with hairy pits!!!! it can be where re growth of hair pushing through

23-08-13, 11:42
had my blood test results and my blood count was up they said infection..i have green stuff at the back of my nose and this morning it was tinged with blood..so sinus infection hence swollen achy glands..freaked me a bit but its an infection she said and i am going to believe this time as both armpits ache..got anti biotics fos week..anyone else had swollen glands under arm with sinus. help please