View Full Version : Inner ear pain- tumor?

23-08-13, 00:16
I am sure this topic has been covered a million times (possibly by me lol) But does anyone else getting inner ear pain in only one ear? It's always the right one, I've had my doc look at it in the past and he doesn't see anything, thinks it could be allergy related. My dentist thinks it's TMJ.
I have had it intermittently for a few years now and since last Wednesday (coincidentally 2 days after my prozac to celexa swap) the pain seems more frequent and I have convinced myself there is obviously a tumor. :blush:
My husband seems to think that since I am having such a hard time with the med transition that I am likely clenching my jaw more often.
I want to avoid going to the doctor at all costs...I do have an appt on Sept 10th so maybe it can wait until then?
Thoughts? I am really freaked out...


23-08-13, 13:10
My wife also suffers from this. She has for at least the past year. She saw an ENT who checked her ears and said they were 'fine'. Like your doc, they said it is likely allergies or something like chronic sinus problems.

So it isn't rare, and I think it isn't serious. But it is bothering you, so for your physical comfort it would be good to find something to help. My wife likes a cold compress, hot bath, and even a nasal rinse.

25-08-13, 15:20
Thank you so much for your reply :)
I am doing my best to ignore and realize that when I am preoccupied it doesn't bother me as much. I did try the cold compress and that worked very well! Thank you again!


25-08-13, 15:42
Hi Amanda,

TMJ is a common ailment that would cause the symptoms you describe. Allergies would also cause your symptoms as congestion can often manifest itself in the eustachian tube of your ear thus causing pressure and pain.

As a Head and Neck cancer survivor, I can tell you that most typically, cancers of the head and neck don't reveal themselves with pain. If they do get to the point of feeling pain, then it is often advanced and would be very obvious to a physician examining you.

As with most head and neck cancers, my cancer showed itself in painless swollen lymph nodes that didn't respond to two rounds of antibiotics. There was never any pain. Perhaps a feeling of pressure in my neck just prior to surgery. I had no symptoms prior. No sore throat, ear pain, trouble swallowing or talking. Nothing! My doctors said I probably had it for upwards of a year prior to noticing the swollen glands.

Your appointment is less than two weeks away. Hang tight and keep taking your meds. Often, with psychotropic medications there is a time period of adjustment. It can take several weeks until your body adjusts. Often times, dosages have to be regulated to find the exact amount that controls your symptoms. If you're still having issues by the time you see your doctor, make sure you bring that up.

Positive thoughts and prayers.


27-08-13, 13:23
Thank you again, I am so sorry you have actually been through all of that.
I'm trying not to give the ear so much attention- I think I make it worse when I stop to think if its still there..
I actually spent my entire 45 min session with my pdoc talking about this stupid ear.
Trying very hard to trust the doctor and will definitely mention it to him when I go, no emergency appointment needed :D lol
My citalopram side effects seem to be on the way out so hopefully this will fly away with them :)

Thanks so much for the support!!!