View Full Version : Im worried that my anxiety and depression will never go away

23-08-13, 08:55
im a 16 year old girl.
every since i was about 13 ive felt like this, but i only found out what t was about a year ago.
I have sever depression, major clinical depression and sever anxiety.
My mum also has sever depression, as does my dad, 2 of my brothers, and my grandma.
i know my depression is party genetic, and im really worried that it will never go away. i take 20mg of prozac, for about 16 days now. i still feel really dark, lonely and dead on the inside. im scared that that feeling will never go away because its genetic and my parents are old and still have it.
i dont want to live with this for the rest of my life. i dont know what to do

23-08-13, 10:31
Hi there, it sounds as though you are very aware of the issues around depression, which is great. The earlier you know, the more you can do to help yourself.

Are you seeing anybody for 'talking therapy'? I think it might be really helpful for you. Hang in there Sweetheart, I think you stand a very good chance of getting on top of this. x

23-08-13, 21:00
therapy, absolutley :)