View Full Version : been prescribed Paroxetine

23-08-13, 11:46
Having come to the conclusion Citalopram was doing nothing for me I have been prescribed this. Seems to have fewer side effects and works in a shorter amount of time. The 1 thing u am scared of though is weight gain.
Anyone have any experiences to share?

23-08-13, 14:00
Hi KeeKee
I am on paroxetine and have been for a number of years. For me it worked quickly and weight gain wasn't an issue. I have gained some weight in the last year or so but put that down to age, a healthy appetite and a dislike of exercise rather than the meds as it wasn't an issue for years! I didn't have any other side effects either.
The issue for me is trying to come off them. I am now on a lowish dose, 10mg, but any attempt to reduce further usually ends up with a return to the bad old days. I am happy to stay on them and for me they have been good but I do wonder about the longer term.

23-08-13, 20:33
Hi, thanks for your reply. I have read the withdrawal can be bad, but as you said they aren't causing problems then there is no harm in sticking with them.
I worry about weight gain as I gained almost 20lbs on Fluoxetine and 6lbs on Citalopram. So I am very scared to gain more weight. I went from the lower end of a healthy weight, to the higher end.

25-08-13, 10:04
Day three today. As I am scared of allergic reaction to meds I took half one Thursday and half yesterday. I'm just about to take a full 1 today as no signs of allergy.
All I can think of is gaining weight though but I will see how things go before I decide if that is going to be a big issue.

29-08-13, 13:33
Day 7. No known side effects (except Paresthesis but that may be due to the Citalopram coming out of my system).
I have had a normal few days but I always do when its that time of the month.
I feel fatter, but think that may be all in my head due to my fear of gaining weight and I also feel very tired but not sure if that's related to meds or my low mood.