View Full Version : What is wrong with me?

23-08-13, 16:47
I've been sick for six months ever since a bad flu. For ages docs thought I had a somataform disorder (where your mind creates extreme symptoms) until they found that my blood presssure was dropping when I was upright and my heart was going fast to keep me conscious. They weren't sure if this was the only thing going on or not.

Yesterday I went to the doctor and after the walk from the carpark I ended up shaking, sweating, vomiting and feeling very close to passing out. He wrote me a referral for a and e and they wanted to call me an ambulance. In hospital, my bloods were okayish (I have problems holding on to some salts) so they gave me fluids and sent me home.

I can't make my own food or walk up the stairs. I spend most of my time feeling like I have a concussion. I'm 21 and I never thought I'd just be left to rot like this. I sometimes feel like I don't have much time left and I worry they won't find out what's wrong with me until it's too late.

I wish I could shake these thoughts of doom.

23-08-13, 18:15
Could you have something like ME - chronic fatigue syndrome? I haven't read your other posts so not sure if you have other physical symptoms.

I do know that how you feel mentally is no indication at all of how physically healthy you are. You can have terrible mental health and be in good physical health, or alternatively feel happy and content but have a serious ailment. Having a feeling of doom isn't a sign that you are physically ill, it is your mind running away with itself, what CBT calls 'catastrophic thinking'. I hope you feel better soon.