View Full Version : I always find something new to worry about

24-08-13, 09:41
I always end up finding something new to worry about, ranging from health to legal issues. I don't know what to do to stop worrying about it, I'm constantly traveling so consistent therapy isn't easy for me, I'll be in one place for the next few months though hopefully. I always think of things which are extremely unlikely to happen, but I still worry about them. I worry about being framed and ending up in jail, even though there's no reason for that to happen. Sometimes I worry about jail conditions even though I've never had any sort of criminal convictions and I follow the law for the most part (sometimes I drive over the speed limit or park in a no parking zone if I'm just going to be a minute and need to pick something up) nothing too serious though. I worry about having an incurable illness, and I'm just so sick of it all. I'm a 20 year old, I should be care free but I can't stop thinking about these things. My girlfriend is starting to grow distant because of my anxiety and she insists nothing is wrong even though I know there is. My parents and friends never take my concerns seriously and I feel like I'm completely alone with this.

24-08-13, 11:08
That sounds awful to be living with that much worry. Have you seen a doctor and been offered any help ? Can you talk yourself out of some of the worries by asking yourself how likely is it that these things will happen, and how many people do you know that it has happened too ? We all have fleeting irrational thoughts about things that are very unlikely, but generally dismiss them or think them through.
Could you try writing down the next worry you have and then record the worse thing you think will happen and then list all other possibilities for that worry and you may see that the one you have written down as scaring you is so unlikely. Think about someone else telling you that worry .. would you be scared for them ? would you think it was likely if someone else told you they were worrying about those things.
I use to imagine myself telling the most sensible person I know who I trusted and then imagine what they would say to me in reply. It helped get things in to perspective, it sounds like you are bottling thing up.
Thoughts of I am only 20 this shouldn't happen will just put an extra pressure on you, you cant help the way you feel and that you over think things, but you need to find a way to balance the thoughts with reality.
Hope you are ok :)

24-08-13, 12:35
I am exactly the same. Exactly the same. And it's exhausting.
And I can rationalise until the cows come home, think about likelihood of it happening, talk to others and thinking what my sister would say to me. Sadly none of it works for me. I get into really bad persistent thought cycles as well, where I can't get one single thought out of my head. It's so exhausting.
I have been referred to our local NHS service for CBT, which I'm hoping will help me to deal with it.

24-08-13, 12:41
I am exactly the same. Exactly the same. And it's exhausting.
And I can rationalise until the cows come home, think about likelihood of it happening, talk to others and thinking what my sister would say to me. Sadly none of it works for me. I get into really bad persistent thought cycles as well, where I can't get one single thought out of my head. It's so exhausting.
I have been referred to our local NHS service for CBT, which I'm hoping will help me to deal with it.

This is exactly how I feel, I try to make myself think it'll be fine and rationalise it based on past experiences, previous check ups etc. but I always seem to think "what if it's different this time" and it scares the hell out of me. Once I'm back in the UK for the next few months I will definitely look into CBT as well

---------- Post added at 11:41 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ----------

That sounds awful to be living with that much worry. Have you seen a doctor and been offered any help ? Can you talk yourself out of some of the worries by asking yourself how likely is it that these things will happen, and how many people do you know that it has happened too ? We all have fleeting irrational thoughts about things that are very unlikely, but generally dismiss them or think them through.
Could you try writing down the next worry you have and then record the worse thing you think will happen and then list all other possibilities for that worry and you may see that the one you have written down as scaring you is so unlikely. Think about someone else telling you that worry .. would you be scared for them ? would you think it was likely if someone else told you they were worrying about those things.
I use to imagine myself telling the most sensible person I know who I trusted and then imagine what they would say to me in reply. It helped get things in to perspective, it sounds like you are bottling thing up.
Thoughts of I am only 20 this shouldn't happen will just put an extra pressure on you, you cant help the way you feel and that you over think things, but you need to find a way to balance the thoughts with reality.
Hope you are ok :)

Hey, thanks a lot for all of the advice, I have tried some of it and will try other stuff you've mentioned too. Though the things I have tried didn't seem to help a whole lot :( I think seeing a professional would help, someone I can speak to in confidence and someone who can help me rationalise because no matter what I tell myself the "what ifs" always pop into my head

24-08-13, 20:50
Yes a professional would be best, maybe they can give you new ways of thinking and strategies to help. You will need to change your thinking in the long run because its all just thoughts isn't it, and only you have control over those. I hope you get the help you need I'm sure a professional will help you unravel your thoughts. As you say it will be good to be able to speak freely because if you have some things bottled up that wont help either. Good luck

27-08-13, 03:34
Hi, I know what you mean I'm always worried about something, can be anything. As for the jail part, I know what u mean there too. All I can say to you is nothing will change your way of thinking but only you can, how to change it that is the question I'm still trying to figure that out at 32 and probably will try for another 32 years. Good Luck and just come here to this site when you are worried and talk to us! The jail part just don't do anything that will land you in jail and you will do just fine.