View Full Version : kinda freaking out hiv

24-08-13, 14:57
i think i just had a night sweat today and its freaking me out since ive always had a fear of hiv. i tend to think the worst and jump into a thought that i have it.. reason being i had unprotected sex last november w a girl of unknown status. ive never had any sweats up until this point or fever. i had had weight loss but i believe it was due to a diet change bc i went to the doctor bc i had bad stomach aches and she thought it was my gallbladder so i stopped eating grease and ate mostly chicken breasts and veggies for a few monthes with some improvement but i later decided it was gluten as the cause hurting my stomach. so... i stopped eating gluten and felt somewhat better and havent been back to the doc's. ive also gained some of the weight back i was 200-203 and im currently 190-195lbs.

next... my neck has been bothering me i thought it was a cramp or ache from my pillow but i switched pillows and it still continues. its like a sharp pain when i move my neck around and its coming from the back part of my neck. almost like a pinched nerve? but i can feel the nodes are tender when i rub my neck firmly. i dont believe anything is swollen like a marble but they are tender. i try not to touch them as much as possible bc i read that could be the issue.

with that said i dont think ive had any rashes but ill include a pic of what i think is a small rash but it hasnt bothered me much and i think ive had it before but never gave it much attention. its on both sides of my side thighs / butt. it doesnt itch / burn.
& my tongue has a small white patch on it but its on the top. i obviously googled what tongues look like with this illness and mine doesnt seem to compare bc its not on the sides of the tongue so im "assuming" im just over reacting? pray for me please. im scared. i was thinking and googling things last night and im hoping its why i may of had this sweat. i could of been thinking about it too much in my sleep?

also about my night sweat.. it had to of occurred within a 2hr time spand of me sleeping then waking up. i never can sleep when i know i have to be up early for work.. my sheets were moist only where my chest was. i slept on my stomach and it was only damp where my chest was. idk if thats considered a night sweat? i turned on the lights and opened the blinds and i couldnt see a sweat stain on the sheets but i could feel a moistness on them.



---------- Post added at 13:54 ---------- Previous post was at 13:50 ----------

i must add ive never had any flu like symtoms other than the runs/loose stool while i was eating bread which ive had my whole life.. family history of terrible guts on my moms side.

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:54 ----------

i personally think the rash looks like Keratosis Pilaris which is listed under a gluten intolerance. my arms look like pics in google when i search it.

24-08-13, 16:22
It is easy to test for hiv so why not have the test and put your mind at rest? I don't know anything about hiv but I would think that if that single encounter is your only incidence of risky sex then the chances are you don't have hiv.

24-08-13, 21:20
Thanks for the reply I've been panicking for months as well and can't seem to work up the courage to go. I really believe that I do have something wrong bc of my tongue. I did make the mistake of goggling things but they all say what you said about it being hard to get from a female. I believe I might of picked an unlucky one and have to live with this forever. I keep checking my arms for rashes and my back but I've had none or any fever. I have also thought about the last times I was sick and it's been awhile. I just keep trying to base it on symptoms. My right ear lymph node is swollen I believe which is also another bad sign

24-08-13, 22:12
You're right. I just am scared shitless. It was a rumor that she too slept around and I noticed a rash on her arm. But it could be my mind doing this. I have been goggling a lot more than usual. Just right now my recent night sweat scared me today. I've never had this happen before. I think it was bc I was thinking about hiv before I slept. But my sheets were only moist where my chest was. I read that an actual night sweat is bad and you soak the sheets.

---------- Post added at 21:12 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

I keep putting off buying the at home test from cvs. I think I'm going to buy the syphilis one first

24-08-13, 23:01
But did you have any symptoms. My main worry is my neck glands and ear