View Full Version : ears!

21-10-06, 07:28
Hi all
I have not posted for awhile but I thought I would share with you what has been going on. Well things have been very good. The only thing that I have had a problem with is intermittent dizziness, I was at a board meeting 3 weeks ago and started to feel very odd a sort of swaying feeling was not able to focus and this made my anxiety kick in. with out thinking what I was saying I just blurted out “I really don’t feel very well I think I am going to faint” my boss came running over a placed my head between my knees and got me a drink and some food.

We all had a break and I did feel a bit better but for the rest of the day I felt very spaced out and unreal. Well this weird feeling went on for a few days and in the end (about 2 weeks later) I went to the doctors. I explained how I was feeling and that I did suffer with anxiety, she took my BP all was ok asked me some more questions then had a look in my ears once she had down this she said “I hope you don’t mind but I am going to get another doctor to see you” he came in had a look made me follow his finger with my eyes (that made me very dizzy) asked some questions and then said you have an inner ear problem, he asked if I had had a cold which I have not, then went onto say that it can be caused by the same virus that causes cold sores and that people can have this problem on and of for years and In about 45% of cases people also have anxiety. Oh my god that’s me. Well he has put me on some medication that I have to say is helping a lot and I have to go back in a months time. Dizziness has always been the main part and cause of my anxiety so fingers crossed this maybe my answer. I did goggle a lot but in stead of find a load of stuff that panicked me it helped. Sorry for the long post I just wanted to share my news.

Love & Light to you all Sam xx

21-10-06, 13:01
Hi Sam

I do hope this Is the answer to your dizziness. This has also been my main symptom for 4 months and it terrifies me. At my last visit to the GP I asked if she would check my ears but she said that it wasn't necessary as the symptoms I presented with didn't suggest there was a problem with my ears!!!!! I don't understand. At my next visit I will insist she checks my ears. I think I have been labelled with anxiety and stress and she just switches off when I start talking about symptoms. Anyone else experienced this?


21-10-06, 20:36
Hiya, I am kind of relieved to have read your post! I too have had the same kind of feelings for years! ..........dizziness and a kind of weird feeling like I am not with the rest of the world after an attack!Blurred vision too in a way! My doc has done loads of tests and has said it is definately anxiety. I was never convinced! I guesss the symptoms have made me anxious and because it has lasted so long has brought on other anxieties, as I was untreated for years! I will ask about my ears next time I go! Really pleased that you are feeling better and your meds are helping! Thanks for your post! x


22-10-06, 07:19
I think sometimes the doctors do look at our notes and think oh they have anxiety so all there problems must be to do with that.
It was kind of weird when they said it was my ears because I did think that I was going to go in and they would say nope nothing wrong it must be your anxiety.
So ask your doctor to check your ears and apparently the best way to diagnose an ear problem is following there finger with not moving your head, apparently when your eyes get to look right at the side the doctor can see small movements a bit like your eyes moving up and down very fast this is called a nystagmas (that’s not how you spell it) its all to do with the balance.

Well I hope you both get to the doctors and find help with your dizziness.

Love & Light Sam x