View Full Version : Do Hangovers Higher Your Heart Rate?

24-08-13, 18:23
I've got a really bad hangover today and was sick a lot this morning. Now sometimes when I stand up from sitting down I can feel my heart rate pounding. Does a hangover do this?

Thank You .

24-08-13, 19:08
Yup it sure can

24-08-13, 22:55
Yes, plus you are probably dehydrated too. Drink lots of water. Hope you are feeling better by now.

24-08-13, 23:14
Yes, plus you are probably dehydrated too. Drink lots of water. Hope you are feeling better by now.

Agreed - this is the major cause. If you are going to drink, make sure you keep hydrated in the evening as well as the morning after. I always have half a pint of water between each alcoholic drink. I spend half the evening in the loo but I feel better for it in the morning.
