View Full Version : My face feels .. Weird

Anxious lu
24-08-13, 20:15
At work I got a twitch in my nose it freaked me out but I forgot about it..

But now my cheeks feel strange like twitchy or odd like yey are dropping.. They aren't but I keep checking my smile in the mirror to make sure.. Starting to obsess over it it's scaring me feel like something bad is going to happen :-(

Don't know what to do or what's causing it the muscles just feel edgy twitchy and strange like they are vibrating!?!!

24-08-13, 20:49
I went through a stage where I was twitching like mad. My lip, both eyelids, my bum, back, legs etc. This has subsided now and I really believe it was because I was under extra stress.

Anxious lu
24-08-13, 20:59
I wish I could get over it.. When i am distracted I can't feel it but when I remember the sensation comes back :-( ugh and it's making me feel proper naucious I did have a coffee not that long ago maybe the caffiene!

24-08-13, 21:19
Aw I'm sure it will pass. I also got ALOT of palpitations and it was really affecting me. Eventually, they subsided too (I had quite a few today but I have been down again recently so put it down to that).
Hope you feel better soon.

24-08-13, 22:51
If it goes when you are distracted, it cant be anything serious. Real symptoms of serious illness dont come and go. Sounds more like stress related twitch or tremour.

Anxious lu
24-08-13, 23:09
Thank you guys! And keekee I get the palps a lot a lot! It is so annoying but I have learnt to breathe through it and ignore.. I have been anxiety free kinda for 7 months but a stressful few days have set me back due to the symptoms you get from stress.. Like te bodies reaction to it :-(

25-08-13, 00:13
I've had tons of facial twitches, numbness and sharp pains, dull pains, cold and warmth. Stress is a weird thing.