View Full Version : Citalopram errr... Intimacy issues...

24-08-13, 21:12
Hello all,

First off this involves things of a sexual nature.. just a warning for younger NMP users this thread may not be suitable for you?

Anyhoo... I will try and be as non-crude as i can I don't really want to ask this on the web but my doctor is all booked up for a month and i really need some help with this...

I've been on Citaropram for about a year and a half now... It's completely stopped my panic attacks which is good... I can now go out, somewhat enjoy myself and live a normal life...

However... one major issue that has always bugged me is ejaculation during masturbation... not to go into too much detail but while doing it i find myself loosing interest half way and stopping at which point i will either start again in 5 mins or just give up... getting to the point of climax is incredibly difficult! This has never bothered me enough to actually try and sort it out though...

But more recently due to a new lady friend being on the scene... ejaculation during sex is a huge issue! I just cannot do it... I also find myself loosing interest half way through too which is deeply annoying for me and her. It can even get to a point when i can't keep it up.. if you get my drift.. this doesn't happen often but when it does i can be horrible for my partner. At only 24 years of age this sort of thing should not occur...

Can anyone help me here? I did try to come off Citaropram under doctors instructions about 2 weeks ago but a week into it and my anxiety was soooooo bad and i was having panic attacks again... its catch 22... :weep:

Any help with this is greatly appreciated... Alternative meds? techniques? anything really...

Luckily (well i say luckily...) she is a sufferer herself from anxiety so she can relate to how important taking the meds are to me. But can i have it both ways? please? :yesyes: surely there is a way?

Any advice greatly appreciated!

24-08-13, 21:22
Very common... unfortunately!

I've been taking the medication since I was 17 (now 28) and it does happen. A lot of blokes on here will tell you the same stories.

I found that these symptoms did get better for me over time. The problem is once it happens once, its going to be in your subconscious next time! Then it's a slippery slope downwards (if you catch my drift).....

My biggest piece of advice is don't stop taking them just because of a climax issue. I would cut my todger off tomorrow for a price to pay for an anxiety free life. I won't bore you with my story but I came off last october, and right now I'm typing this from a psychiatric hospital......so you can fill in the blanks there lol.

I used to look at that problem as a bonus sometimes. Nothing better than being able to 'keep the lady happy' for longer than most men! The more you get frustrated about the problem, the more it will stick around.

The problem does go eventually. The last few years, everything has been fine and dandy!

24-08-13, 23:20
I agree with Steven. It's very common on different ADs and is a major reason why a lot of men stop taking them.

I found that I could overcome it through knowing that I could. Sounds a bit strange but it's the reverse side of what Steven's just said about once it happens it's in your subconscious. Once you know you can do it, you remember you can do it and it becomes easier.

A tip is that you have to be a little more into it than before so you may need to find ways to get yourself in the mood before you start. You'll know the best way for you.


25-08-13, 03:51
I just wanted to add that women also suffer similar problems on Citalopram but with different equipment you understand!!! :shades:

I found that Citalopram knocked every emotion and every feeling, including sexual, right out of me.

I'm doing much better now on Sertraline.

But as has been said, never, ever just stop taking your antidepressants without your doctors advice and support :)

25-08-13, 10:40
Fluoxetine can do this too :-( but I agree with pipkin.... As in finding ways of getting in the mood before you start.

25-08-13, 11:05
I'm 24, female and have lost my libido since staring Fluoxetine 5 years ago. It didn't happen over night of course but now it is completely gone and I am in a long term relationship so this adds to my insecurities. Talk to your doctor and they may be able to help. It may involve switching medication though but I'm not sure.

25-08-13, 12:49
hi all. rotunda what mg are you on, ive been on 20mg of cit for 4 months, as far as sex ive found citilapram quite weird. first of all im horny as hell, masturbating up to 3 times a day, i kid you not. but!! ejaculation is pretty hard,excuse the pun! so i dont understand why my libido is high, yet ejaculation is difficult. although i do acheive orgasm, maybe forplay is the answer to get stimulated? but to be honest ejaculation problems is a small price to pay for an anxiety free life,

10-09-13, 21:45
Talk to your Dr. about adding Wellbutrin to the mix. I understand it counteracts some of the sexual side effects.

17-09-13, 10:46
Fortunately I have had no issues down 'there' since I started Cit 5 months ago. If anything it has improved my sex life as my anxiety and panic issues often ruined any chance I had to want to get jiggy.