View Full Version : Oral Cancer?

24-08-13, 21:42
Hello...I'm a 17 yo girl and I'm really scared I might have oral cancer.
See thing is I've been waking up with blood in my mouth for about a year. First I thought it was from my gums so I improved my dental hygiene even more but the blood kept coming. So I realised it wasn't from my gums but from the throat. Still didn't do anything about it thinking it would go away. in winter it did. started again in summer. I'm positive that it isn't from my lungs, stomach or nose.
So today I took a torch and realized there is a single red spot on the roof at the back of my mouth. it is flat, red, painless and has a diameter of like half a centimetre. So this is what s been bleeding all the time. it bleeds when I rinse my mouth. and obviously when I sleep so that I have some blood in my mouth when I wake up.
Now this description of red, painless spot that bleeds easily totally fits this one symptom of oral cancer which is the only thing Google's showing up when I searched. I don't smoke, never have.
I do intend to go to a doctor next week (high time I did) but I am extremely scared right now. :(

24-08-13, 22:32
Google always comes up with the worst case scenarios. The best thing to do is ask your doctor as he is the only one who can diagnose you. It maybe something quite simple. Let us know what your doctor says :hugs::hugs:

24-08-13, 22:43
I would think the chances of oral cancer in someone your age is very, very small. As you know, it is more prevalent in older people who smoke and drink. I'm sure its nothing major, but seeing your gp will put your mind at rest.

24-08-13, 22:50
Hi 12,

I'm an oral cancer survivor. A few things that will set your mind at ease.

Typically, it's very rare for someone as young as you are to get oral cancer. Most of the time, there aren't any symptoms at all. The only symptom I had was a swollen gland that didn't respond to antibiotics. No pain at all. Oral cancer most typically affects those who have smoked or used tobacco products and those who consume copious amounts of alcohol. The HPV virus (HPV16) is sometimes responsible for OC but again, a very small percentage of those affected with the HPV16 virus ever get cancer and it takes many, many years for it to manifest itself.

The only way to diagnose OC is through a biopsy of the suspected area. Obviously, there's something going on. I'm not a doctor nor can one diagnose OC via the internet but it doesn't sound like any OC I've read about or encountered on other forums.

The best thing is to see your doctor and stay away from Dr. Google! If he/she feels there is something amiss, then an ENT would be the next step.

Positive thoughts and prayers


25-08-13, 11:01
Thank you very much for the replies.

Fishmanpa, thank you so much for the detailed answer.

I'll post what the doctor says.

26-08-13, 15:10
I spat out a good amount of blood again this morning so went to an ER. Her diagnosis was GERD which she said was caused by the acid attacking the stomach lining (because I don't eat much at all) and also said the esophagus was kind of damaged because I drink tea on an empty stomach two times a day.

She did prescribe four tests and a couple od medicines but I'll be consulting a doctor before I go for any of those.

Hope everything's fine. The tests sound so scary.

26-08-13, 15:23
That makes perfect sense. Time to start taking care of yourself and eating! A young man on the cancer forum I participate in was totally sure he had OC despite re-assurances that it wasn't. He was just diagnosed with TMJ as well as GERD, most typically caused by his love of spicy food and beer ;)

Follow the Dr.'s orders and you'll be fine!
