View Full Version : scare

24-08-13, 23:47
Hi just had a scare my blood results came back it said I had an elevated white cell count Infection.. Dr gave me an antibkotic and I am 2 days into it and feel habit better.had swollen glands everywhere and really achy.anyone identify with this?please thanks ..Gina

25-08-13, 09:13
Anyone there?

25-08-13, 19:39
Hi there,

It sounds like you have some sort of infection going on.

That's what is causing your glands to be swollen and your white blood count raised.

I expect that you'll feel much better once you have finished the course of antibiotics hun :)

25-08-13, 20:00
thanx moosie..i have this thing about lymphoma that scares me ..dr said it was just a low grade infection..why can't i just leave it at that..cheers
gina x anyone?