View Full Version : Too many Pvcs!!!!!

25-08-13, 13:37
Hi I'm new here. I've suffered from anxiety for most of my life. I suddenly started having ectopic beats (pvcs) after going to see numerous cardiologists and having numerous heart tests done i accepted them and funnily enough they soon disappeared. I actually had 3-4 year break from these dreaded things but unfortunately they are now back but they are a lot more worse. In addition to this I have started to have breathing problems too. It's not that I can't breath it's more like I need to continuously take deep breaths to get enough oxygen. I sometimes yawn to help me. I've been doing this so much that my chest is sore now. It's like I can't get enough air in so I have to take extra deep breaths.
I went a&e and told them about my missed beats they did ecg listen to my lungs and heart and sent me on my way. I asked the docs about the shortness of breath and they said that my lungs and heart sounded ok.
Please advise if you have any idea what's going on. I truly am depressed again because of these symptoms.

25-08-13, 13:50
Have pmd you, I could have written your post myself, all about the breathing etc, know that it is all in your mind and it WILL improve :D

12-09-13, 11:02
have u been to see a breathing coach? sounds stupid, like who is born not knowing how to breathe - but in fact many people breathe in a way that negatively affects other body systems... you sound like they could help you

24-10-13, 11:12
I have suffered exactly what you are going through, understanding what's going on is key on this occasion I would advise googling it, you are thinking consciously about breathing when it normally is an automatic response controlled by the brain, I know its a very old book but as I have suffered with GAD for many years I first borrowed this book from the library about 30 years ago, Its called Self Help for Your Nerves by Claire Weeks and I would still recommend this book today it details all your symptoms and explains why they happen. When these feelings start, get up go for a walk, make a cake do anything really to take your mind off of it and I mean just totally ignore it and you'd be surprised how your brain kicks in and does it all for you without your knowledge, its like swallowing saliva you don't realise that your swallowing 1 1/2 litres of the stuff every day until something makes you aware of it (have suffered from that too) please don't worry the key is just completely forgetting it, have a couple of Brandy's or something. Same with the ectopics if you get totally emersed in something and relax they just stop and then the minute you remember that you haven't had one, wham they start again, as I said the key is ignoring and forgetting them.