View Full Version : Alchohol ?

25-08-13, 13:38
How much alchohol does it take to damage a liver.
On average I have one drink every two or three weeks and I drink heavily maybe once every two months...
Two friends of mine are leaving for uni soon so the plan last night was food, cinema, and a couple drinks. Well a couple turned into lots (we went to a shot bar I had maybe 8 shots, three beers, three jack daniels ANd cokes and I can't remember what else)...
Well I have a pain under one rib today and have just started to wonder how much alchohol one can take before you do your self damage.(this is what has bought it on)
I see people on facebook who get smashed every weekend and are fine but it just got me thinking
As my friends are leaving the next drink I have now will probably be in November and as lol.
I've been drunk maybe 20/25 times and am 19.

25-08-13, 14:32
Binge drinking is always worst. But the human body is quite capable of filtering out alcohol in the amounts you describe here. I know about people who drink every weekend that are in their 60's and 70's here in my town. They are quite allright physically when it concerns health.

Hope you feel better.

25-08-13, 17:38
Thanks thinking about it I remember drinking this

Jd coke
Tiger beer
Jd coke
Sourz shot
Pint carling
Pint carling
Corona extra
Jd honey coke
Don't think I had anything else.I know that I havnt done any permanent damage but still :/
Don't want to do it for a long long long time now.

25-08-13, 19:03
Not so long ago you posted saying that you ended up in hospital after binge drinking, and how worried and anxious you were about it all. Here is the thread! http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=136458&page=6

Why on earth would you go out and drink that much knowing full well what happened last time???

sorry just confused...you post on here for help and we all help you, but then you just go out and put yourself in the same situation time after time.

If you are worried then do not drink, simple!

and if you did drink all of that last night then you have done very well to remember what you drank and in what order!!

25-08-13, 19:13
Jd coke...Tiger beer...Jd coke...Sourz shot...Pint carling...Pint carling...Shot
Shot...Shot...Corona extra...Jd honey coke...Shot...Shot...Desperado...Shot

I'd be more concerned about alcohol poisoning or waking up naked in the park than liver damage!


25-08-13, 21:20
you need to cut down some i was never a massive drinker but id go out on a saturday night have five or six pints and sometimes a sunday for one or two fast fwd im nearly 50 i gave up 5 years ago as i had fatty liver and got gastritis which is now chronic and i have to take acid blockers my fatty liver has cleared but my stomach dosent like alcohol and like i said i was a moderate drinker but it was still binge you need to drink less for your long term health tc

25-08-13, 21:28
Sorry, but I was going to say the same as Venus. I've said before, why put yourself in this situation when you know the next day it worries you?

25-08-13, 22:43
Well last time I know what done it the wine.
Also different environments and how I'm feeling make me react different to it.
I do remember up to a certain point and don't think I had anymore so I was told.
Anyway I probably havnt caused any long term damage but do want to cut down now a lot :)

26-08-13, 17:13
Feeling better today but peeing loads.
Is it my bodies way of trying to flush it out?