View Full Version : Anxiety/OCD and Eyes

25-08-13, 15:26
Hi Everyone,

I hope someone can help me.

For the last few weeks I've been having major anxiety about my left eye. I can't make eye contact with people because I'm scared that my left eye is going off in a different direction and it makes me panic.

I've really been obsessing about this and I've been taking photos and videos of my eyes (which I know seems crazy), just to make sure that they look straight. And even if they are, I convince myself that they look wonky. It consumes every minute of my day and I feel sick at the thought of having an eye that goes off in the other direction.

I've always suffered from anxiety and OCD for as long as I can remember but recently due to personal difficulties at home, things have been much, much worse recently. I remember feeling like this a few years ago and convincing myself that I had a lazy eye but it passed and I never thought about it again.

Something seems to have triggered it again though and I'm panicking about panicking about it because I know that as long as I'm obsessing, the worse it's going to be. And in the meantime I literally can't look anyone in the eye and its ruining my life.

Has anyone else experienced this? Can anxiety affect your eyes focusing?

I'm going out of my mind worrying about this, I've booked an appt with an optician for this week too.

Please help! Thank you in advance for reading.


25-08-13, 19:12
im exactly the same