View Full Version : Anxiety flare up? Scared :(

25-08-13, 19:37
These last two day's I've been feeling really really bad. Yesterday I woke up and was anxious straight from the get go. Everything was making me anxious, from white hands, back pain, everything. I decided to go out shopping with my parents to get my mind off things but still my mind wasn't letting go.
An 3-4 hours after finally getting home, my anxiousness got a little worse and I started getting a racing heat, a feeling of dread, panicing, stuff like that. After an hour or 2 it disappeared and I was fine to sleep.
Next day I woke up feeling a tightness on the side of my head and have been on and off tired all day. My head has felt really full and horrible all day.
As i'm sitting here i'm feeling a little warm on my face and my body is starting to shake...

Does anyone suddenly gets symptoms like this? I'm really worried...

25-08-13, 19:51
I think i have had all the symptoms you've listed and more! That's anxiety for you :| And the trouble is, the worse the symptoms are the more you notice and think about them, and then they get even worse, it's like a snowball effect. Trying to take your mind off it doesn't always work. Especially if you do mundane things. Try doing something that gives you joy in life.

25-08-13, 20:05
Yes it all sounds like anxiety and it would be so much easier if we could switch our thoughts off. Try to keep focused on the positive things if you can :hugs: