View Full Version : Head feels weird, stressing out !

25-08-13, 23:38
Had a headache for the last few days, when Im not getting the throbbing pain Im getting sort of like pressure in the back of my head. Its making me have a sort of rush in my head every so often and I feel weird, also had tingling in my cheeks but it doesn't last long. Its making me panic more than usual as when I take pain killers it doesnt ease off that much, although Im trying to only take them twice a day as I know they can give you headaches if you take them too often. I keep telling myself that its just anxiety and that the more I worry the less likely it is to go away! Think I just need a little reassurance.... also its worse in the evening and before bed!

Jayne x

26-08-13, 12:47
it most probably is down to be panicy and anxious, but if the headaches do not go away speak to your dr, but its more than likely down to your anxiety blessings

03-09-13, 00:31
Thanks , I still have these symptoms and cannot get an appointment till next Tuesday, I keep telling myself its anxiety but there is that little devil in the back of my mind that just wont believe what Im telling myself! Its coming up to the 1 year mark of my HA starting and although Im trying not to dwell on it I think it may be playing on my mind.

Thanks again


03-09-13, 05:37
When people describe a 'pressure' headache as opposed to an achey headache, the most common cause it stress/tension. When we are anxious or worried, we tense without realising. We can tense certain areas, or our entire bodies. Often, people will tense their shoulders which tenses the neck and head as well. People also tend to tense their jaw a lot with anxiety which can also cause pressure headaches.

03-09-13, 18:09

I've been having head issues too, I keep getting a pain on one side to the lower back of my head, but I'm also having pressure feelings in my head and my ear and face.

I do have allergies and suffer from sinus issues so I'm hoping it's that but I also think my stressing about it is probably not helping.

I think tension/stress headaches are harder to treat and painkillers don't tend to work that well.

If you read through this forum, headaches, pressure and strange sensations seem to be a very common theme with us HA sufferers so I keep telling myself there must be a connection.

Hope you feel better soon

04-09-13, 10:31
Does it sort of feel like your head is going to explode? I used to get that feeling too.

04-09-13, 16:05
Hi I was having terrible headaches and pressure in the back of my head.. was starting to think the worst..had an appointment wit my doc yesterday turns out I've very blocked sinuses been taking my tablets and they have helped alot so even though it's easier said than done try not to panic it could be somethin but more than likely nothing :-)

07-09-13, 17:31
Thanks everyone, its annoying really, sometime its the pressure feeling, other times its pounding in one place and other times its both, I think it IS most likely anxiety but just need the doc to confirm otherwise I know I will just stress over it :(


07-09-13, 19:36
I get exactly the same symptoms... Pounding head, weird head rush things... I'm really stressed at the moment and suffer with health anxiety so putting it down to that!! I have had an MRI and all sorts and they all say I'm fine so please don't worry!