View Full Version : Too much sun or a TIA?

26-08-13, 00:01
Today I got up early, had a fairly substantial breakfast and then had a long walk, much longer than I normally go and by the end of the walk, the temperatures had got really rather hot so we walked round for a bit more then went back to our hotel, had a drink and a rest. About an hour or so later, we had just sat down in a cafe and I went a bit dizzy for a few seconds, twice, then was fine straight after, had a lot of water and something to eat and carried on with the day (though staying firmly in air-conditioned areas)!

Of course now I have googled dizziness and after at first finding nothing to say it was a sign of a serious condition, eventually I found a hateful Daily Mail article about a man who felt dizzy and it turned out he'd had a mini stroke (and went on to have a full stroke later) I feel fine now and was happy to put the brief dizzy spell down to too much sun and not being used to it but now I am panicking that I could have had a TIA. I had no other symptoms, just the dizziness. Can you have a dizzy spell connected to the sun even though you have been out of the sun for an hour or so? Am I right to be concerned about a mini stroke?

26-08-13, 00:02
A TIA has other symptoms other than just dizziness so I would say it wasn't that.

26-08-13, 00:14
Thanks, Nic. I was doing so well with the HA this Summer as well. Xx

26-08-13, 00:24
I work with someone elderly who has had 2 TIA's so I kind of know what to look out for

26-08-13, 00:35
I do realise how ridiculous I sound. I shouldn't have dug around til I found something on the net which indicated it could be something serious. Xx

26-08-13, 00:52
That is the nature of HA sadly