View Full Version : Great, now feeling like being sick >.<

26-08-13, 14:41
So...if you saw one of my recent posts i talked about having heart palpitations when trying to sleep last night...well to make matters worse, i am now having a lack of appetite and i felt nauseous after drinking a milk shake, felt like i was gonna throw up but didn't quite for some reason.

Its like every ****ing bad symptom is happening to me now for some reason, but i honestly don't ****ing know why i am having these for crying out loud. I couldn't even eat a sandwich today due to my lack of appetite and i felt like throwing up.

Worried im going to freaking die...

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:35 ----------

Update: I am feeling a little better now and i can actually swallow some food again alright now :D

Still, think im gonna rest in bed a bit later, need to recover and watch some movies to calm my body down.

26-08-13, 14:53
Resting and watching movies are great ways to calm yourself down. Anxiety can be a powerful thing. It can create literally every symptom you've just spoken of. I don't know how many times I've been petrified that I'm sick only to have that anxiousness make me feel more sick. Anxiety can be a **tch. :)

26-08-13, 15:01
Resting and watching movies are great ways to calm yourself down. Anxiety can be a powerful thing. It can create literally every symptom you've just spoken of. I don't know how many times I've been petrified that I'm sick only to have that anxiousness make me feel more sick. Anxiety can be a **tch. :)

First time i have felt like this in...4 years i think. Though the palpitations are a bit calmer today thankfully and my mother is getting me some things that should help me sleep tonight.

Right now i just need some social support to make me feel a little happier, but i don't have that since i only have one friend who isn't very active with me right now.