View Full Version : Blood pressure problems and fast heart rate.

26-08-13, 17:15
I was admitted to the hospital 10 days ago and stayed overnight for a kidney infection. My blood pressure was normal but my heart rate is sitting around 100-105 . I was not aware of this untill the doctor made a mention to me however she assured me it's nothing serious. However for the last week I have been focusing on it and it had not decreased really. I can feel it beating trough my chest and my blood pressure has gone up. I went to see another doctor and they want me to monitor my blood pressure for 24 hrs . I'm really scared by this and I feel I'm too young to have high blood pressure. I'm 24 and a little bit chubby but nothing out of the norm.. I have been healthy my whole life and when the hospital monitored me for 24 hrs a week ago I was done apart from a racy heart. Now I have been focussing on it and when the doctor checks me I get nervous and I can feel my heart going faster so therefore a high reading.. Is this true? Can anxiety cause this. I'm also dizzy I have a feeli g this also can b from anxiety and myself working it all up in my mind .im just scared of hypertension and having a brain problem from it :( someone help..I don't want to go back to the ER

26-08-13, 17:34
Hi Chelsea
If your blood pressure was fine whilst you were in hospital it's likely that it's your anxiety causes it to rise now when you get checked. There is something called white coat syndrome which means your anxiety about having your pressure chacked causes raised blood pressure readings. It has happened to me in the past even though I wasn't aware I was anxious. I think your heart rate has probably made you worried even though they weren't concerned at the hospital. It was probably high due to the infection you had. Of course I'm not a doctor so it would've a good idea to mention all this to your doctor but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

26-08-13, 17:44
Hi Chelsea
If your blood pressure was fine whilst you were in hospital it's likely that it's your anxiety causes it to rise now when you get checked. There is something called white coat syndrome which means your anxiety about having your pressure chacked causes raised blood pressure readings. It has happened to me in the past even though I wasn't aware I was anxious. I think your heart rate has probably made you worried even though they weren't concerned at the hospital. It was probably high due to the infection you had. Of course I'm not a doctor so it would've a good idea to mention all this to your doctor but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

Thanks for your reply. Yeah I have heard of white coat syndrome. When I check my bp at home it's always high the first reading I do then straight after it comes down then down to normal after a few readings. I'm just hoping this is all it is and it's just my anxiety becuase when I'm relaxed I feel fine. Just didn't even know my heart was going that fast.

26-08-13, 19:15
Hi there,

I suffer from cardiomyopathy so I can relate to this. What I have learned about BP is that the slighest thing can cause it to go up or down. I also suffer from anxiety, especially health anxiety, and have a OCD habit of checking my BP regularly. I can defenitely tell you that anxiety causes your bp to rise as well. You could keep a diary/record of your bp, if you are really worried and discuss this with your doctor. I also suggest when taking your bp at home, rest for 5 minutes or so focus on your breathing. When taking your bp, do not look at the machine until it has finished measuring. I have also noticed the sound it makes can make me anxious, so i try to think of something else or listen to the tv or music. You can also wait 5 minutes and retest, should you wish. Regarding your heartrate in hospital, this could be because of a couple of factors, infection defenitely plays a roll as your body is working harder to get better, the whole atmosphere can also make you anxious, which increases both your heart rate and bp. The medicine they gave you could also have made your heart rate increase, as medicines have side effects. All in all, if you keep struggling I would suggest talking to your dr, they are their to help after all.

26-08-13, 23:00
I used to obsessively measure my blood pressure around 2 years ago. Often many times a day. Sometimes even many times in one hour. The more I measured and worried about my bp the higher it went. Sometimes the reading I got would send my heart racing up to 120 beats per minute which would freak me out I was quite sure I was going to have a heart attack or something in that direction.

I went to the doctors and told them about all my readings and high heart rate. The doctor just looked at me and said "You should measure you're blood pressure at most once a month." What she meant by that is that If you're under 50 and don't have an underlying heart condition, high blood pressure isn't something that will kill you in the next one or two years. My friends dad had high bp for many years. When he finally went to the doctors and got his bp taken it was ridiculously high. Something like 200/140-ish.
If that would have shown up on my heart monitor it would've given me a real heart attack just from the sheer panic.

What I'm trying to say is blood pressure will not kill you unless under extreme conditions. That is, super low, or super high. Blood pressure goes up and down again and again throughout the day. And so does your heart rate. Sometimes my heart beats really slow and heavy, sometimes it beats in the 90-100 range. Which is pretty fast for me as my heart beats at around 55 - 65 at rest normally.

The heart is a miraculous thing and we give it too little credit with all our doubts that we place on it. Since I accepted all the tiny little flaws of my heart it has beaten truer then the last 5 years.

I sympathize with you, as I think I sort of know what you're going through. But I hope you will find the mental fortitude to deal with this as it is and see not only horrors but also the epic "miracle" that is your cardio vascular system.

Hope you feel better friend.

27-08-13, 02:57
My blood pressure reading in the doctors was 160/90 or something like that and my heart was beating at 120bpm. I'm obsessed with checking my pulse and experience palpitations when I can feel it beating. It freaks me out.
Due to that reading, I'm currently wearing a 24 hour blood pressure monitor and this afternoon, I will get fitted for a 24 hour halter monitor.
I feel anxious and nervous all of the time thinking that there is something terribly wrong with me. So don't feel alone!
I'm only 22 and I am the correct weight, 57kg. I do smoke but I have recently cut down significantly in order to quit.

I'm very nervous about my results from these tests, but I hope that they can bring me some peace of mind and no horror!

27-08-13, 11:51
My blood pressure reading in the doctors was 160/90 or something like that and my heart was beating at 120bpm. I'm obsessed with checking my pulse and experience palpitations when I can feel it beating. It freaks me out.
Due to that reading, I'm currently wearing a 24 hour blood pressure monitor and this afternoon, I will get fitted for a 24 hour halter monitor.
I feel anxious and nervous all of the time thinking that there is something terribly wrong with me. So don't feel alone!
I'm only 22 and I am the correct weight, 57kg. I do smoke but I have recently cut down significantly in order to quit.

I'm very nervous about my results from these tests, but I hope that they can bring me some peace of mind and no horror!

This is just like me.. I'm young too and my bp when I check has been normal. I still have a uti infection and it's been a while . I'm scared even though my results come back normal and good. I'm on antibiotics again hopefully 4th time lucky :( my heart eat is anywhere from 100-107 atm every time I check its high. My bp fluctuates as normal. But I checked and it's 135/80-135/75 so pretty normal stats. I'm hoping its just my anxiety and this chest pain also is anxiety :(