View Full Version : Facial pain.. Someone help :(

26-08-13, 18:50
I'm only 18years old and I've been getting this awful stabbing pain on the left side of my face,cheek,jaw,temple and down the back of my head I've told you the main places because it comes and goes in all different place when I get it lasts literally seconds, I'm goin away Saturday & I'm petrified something terrible is goin to happen why I'm away in scared its something serious (Tumor) or something I'm goin to book in the a drs tomorrow but I've been about it before and they keep saying it could be nerve damage or something but them sayin could be isn't giving me a proper answer to my problem can anyone help me? Please :( I'm so scared its unreal thanks x

26-08-13, 19:01
I'm only 18years old and I've been getting this awful stabbing pain on the left side of my face,cheek,jaw,temple and down the back of my head I've told you the main places because it comes and goes in all different place when I get it lasts literally seconds, I'm goin away Saturday & I'm petrified something terrible is goin to happen why I'm away in scared its something serious (Tumor) or something I'm goin to book in the a drs tomorrow but I've been about it before and they keep saying it could be nerve damage or something but them sayin could be isn't giving me a proper answer to my problem can anyone help me? Please :( I'm so scared its unreal thanks x

Hello I have had the very same thing (felt like lightning strikes down my left side of the face, lips and funny to say tongue but only the left side) and have had a MRI done to check it all out and it came back clear.
It could just be a very simple case that it is from Jaw Clenching I think that is what caused mine.

I had the MRI done because I went to my dentist first and they did x-rays as they thought it could be a tooth impacted on the nerve and then they said I should have a MRI done just to mainly check the nerve out and it was fine.

I was put on to a drug called Pregabalin as that treats nerve pain as they thought it could be something else causing it.

But I would suggest your first place of call should be the Dentist as they will check you over better than the doctor will.. But I think you will find it is Jaw Clenching causing it..

If you find you need a chat about it pm me anytime

26-08-13, 19:05
I'm just really worried I've got the dentist Wednesday anyway so ill ask him but unworried sick about it I haven't got very good teeth anyway I've got alot of work to have done, but I'm really worried as people have said it could be tmj or neuralgia I'm really scared to be honest as I'm not very old and I suffer from health anexity as it is :( having loads of sleepless nights over it just hope it gets sorted xxxx

26-08-13, 19:35
Hi Jennaxox

I was put on to a drug called Pregabalin as that treats nerve pain as they thought it could be something else causing it

I was not going to mention trigeminal neuralgia as that's is what they thought it maybe in my case and that is why I was put on the Pregabalin as it is a drug used for nerve pain.

I think that if it is TN it can be treated to great effect now and it is not as bad as people make it out to be.

You have to remember if you are googling up on anything like TN that you only seems to get to worst cases come up first and it is never a good thing (Not saying that you have googled).

I think the dentist is the best person to help you and it could be nothing more than the old demon Jaw Clenching and they may give you a mouth guard to help you stop doing it in your sleep.

Remember your not alone in all this...

26-08-13, 19:44
Yeah I'm not worried about neuralgia because I know someone who's had it and she said its just facial pain and tablets get rid of it normally, I'm worried incase its a Tumor or something that's my main fear but I'm visiting the dr and the dentist both on Wednesday I just want answers before I go on holiday because I want to relax over there not be worrying about this :( I just think everything I get is something serious that could kill me & this is really worrying me now to be honest xxxx