View Full Version : breast lump or boil!!

harrys mummy
26-08-13, 19:10
Hi everyone,

Well im currently going out of my mind convinced ive got breast cancer! After having my son 18mths ago I didnt breast feed but on my left boob on the edge of the areola I have always had a small lumpy bit that if I squeezed it it would have abit of white stuff come out. Two days ago when I got up the area haf become raised and red quite abit larger! Ive squeezed it numerous timed and as you can imagine ive made it worse, nothings come out and I cant really feel a lump under the skin as such but thats it im absolutly sure its cancer!

My husband is being a complete arse getting in a stress with me all the usual stuff but what he doesnt get is its not me im so much worried about its the thought of not seeing my baby grow up, hes everything to me and I cant bear the thought I wont see him

I worry so much about his health and mine i drive myself nuts! Also i typed in my ssymptoms on google, first few hits......you guessed it breast cancer!!!!! Im going to try and see the doc tomorrow, all I want to do now is cry and cry.

Thanks for listening xx

26-08-13, 19:17

I know its' really hard but try not to panic.

I have a Breast Cancer fear as well so do know what you are feeling, I had a red lump a few years ago which I squeezed and squeezed and nothing came out of and the doctor said it was a sebceous cyst.

If it's the same place that you have the little lump you have been squeezing it might have just got infected and swollen up.

I've heard quite a few people say that they have little lumps on the aerola they can squeeze white stuff out of so don't think that is anything to worry about.

You are doing the right thing getting it checked but my guess is it's just become infected and has swollen. Try putting some antiseptic on and leaving it alone, keep squeezing with make it bigger,

take care

26-08-13, 19:34
Everyone has glands on their aerola that produce sebum the white stuff that you can squeeze out. Its more than possible that one of these has got blocked and possibly infected. Panicking is normal with anything to do with breasts if you are a woman!
You are doing the right thing, go to your Dr and get examine. STOP squeezing it right this minute as the more you squeeze the more it will get inflamed and if it is infected squeezing it will make it much much worse.
As for hubby, keep stum and say nothing else to him about it no matter how much you are panicking as what they find hard it dealing with our panic rather than dealing with our symptoms. We tend to go on and on about our symptoms because we want reassurance that can't be given and this winds people up. You have a plan of action - see Dr as soon as you can, get examined and take it from there. Its much much more likely that this is just an inflamed gland on your boob rather than anthing else.

26-08-13, 20:40
I had my baby 5 months ago and I am breastfeeding. I started getting these red spots on my breast and when I squeezed them stuff came out. I wouldn't leave them alone and ended up with a staph infection and spreading making more spots appear! I also inflamed my breast by constantly squeezing and prodding what I thought was a blocked duct.

My gp assured me it was not bc. But I went to breast clinic for reassurance. The consultant said the spots were nothing and just a skin issue and to stop touching them. She did an ultrasound of the 'blocked duct' that I could feel and it was absolutely nothing just normal tissue and ducts!

Incidentally the scan also showed where I had traumatised my breast and it was the first thing the doctor mention right on the bit I had caused a scab(it was totally cleared by time I went for scan), but the scan could see it!

I think it's just hormone related and I still have little bits that if I were to squeeze hard would prob re-ignite the boils!!

harrys mummy
26-08-13, 20:53
Thank yoy so much guys I really appreciate your replies xx

Im absolutly obsessed with cancer of any form, its the first thing that comes into my mind always! Ive not touched it anymore this evening I know your all right im making it worse, also ive not said anything more to hubby, I know he doesnt mean it but I just wish he could be in my shoes for a while then maybe he would get it! Xx

harrys mummy
27-08-13, 15:18
Just an update, I went and saw the doc this morning, after I explained what had been there before now she thinks its either a blocked duct thats now infected or a infected sabacous (sorry dont know how to spell that) cyst and has given me antibiotics, she said if they dont clear it up go back and see her.

I asked if she thought it was breast cancer and she said no, do I believe her............do I heck!!!!!