View Full Version : pain in arm and chest

anx mum
26-08-13, 19:16
Getting really confused and worried as now ive got pain like an ache in my left arm and my chest still aches ive had ecgs which have come bk normal just don't understand is this anxiety or a physical problem as I have the pains

26-08-13, 19:52
Yes it can be anxiety and you have had it a long time now but unless you get on top of the anxiety then it won't go.

Why not see an osteopath or someone to see if the pains are caused by muscular issues.

26-08-13, 20:10
Getting really confused and worried as now ive got pain like an ache in my left arm and my chest still aches ive had ecgs which have come bk normal just don't understand is this anxiety or a physical problem as I have the pains

Hi anx mum

I like you had one hell of a time with my Chest pain and that also spreads to my left arm and also jaw. It has sent me to A&E with the lights and siren going with suspected heart attack.

I have had so many ecg's and also 2 stress test ecg's also all the blood works and chest x-rays and all of them came back normal but still I was having the pain.

And to me it felt like the Doctors were not taking me serious and that annoyed me but really that was far from the case they had done all they can to try to calm me and treat me with the up most care, But it never felt that way.

Anyway I pleaded with my doctor to do a echocardiogram and they told me it would just say the same as everything else and refused them I looked into having it done private but still I ran into problems and that was if the echo cameback and it point to something the doctors would not accept it as they had not asked for it.

So I pleaded again and I said to them if you do this for me and yes it comes back normal I will try to stop bothering you and my family with this anymore and move on with my life to the best I can. Anyway the doctor agreed (but said even if it came back fine I will just move onto something else).

Well I had it done and yes it was normal so from that day on (after 2 years or chest pain) I have kept to my word and not bothered the doctor with chest pain or when I have had chest pains I have had to take it as that just chest pain and not heart related pain.

I agree with Nicola in that it is more than lightly muscular related and my old demon posture is the main factor.

I know it sounds hard to do but you have to come to a point where you say OK if I have this done and it is clear I have to move on for my sake and my families sake and do it.

26-08-13, 22:49
Nice answer Purgatory.

I've had muscle related chest pain for a while. It was constant and often kept me up at night as I feared I might not wake up the next morning.

Since I started stretching and becoming more physically active it has all but gone away.

I'm quite sure this is nothing serious. If you've had all the tests done then it's highly unlikely that things have drastically changed in the meantime.

Hope you'll feel better friend. All the best.