View Full Version : choking while sleeping, now afraid to sleep

26-08-13, 19:26
I am a long time sufferer of HA, GERD, IBS and a smoker. My weight is good and I do exercise. For some time, I have been feeling like my sinuses are congested, my ears hurt and my throat feels tight. I get sudden sinus headaches that make my eyes go a bit fuzzy. I always seem to have somethiing going on with my throat as I had my tonsils out a few years ago as an adult. I frequently feel like food gets caught when I swallow. I am frequently hoarse.

Last night in the middle of the night, I was dreaming that someone was choking me and I woke up in a complete panic because I couldn't breathe. Since then my throat is especially tight. I was not able to go back to sleep as each time I laid down, the panic came back. I took an ativan and it has helped me get through my day but I am terrified there is a tumor in there. I read a story years ago about a guy whose died because he had throat cancer and the tumor blocked his airway while he slept and he died. Then there is the whole Michael Douglas thing where he kept going to the doctor and they kept telling him he was fiine until they finally diagnosed him with a golf ball sized tumor in his throat. I keep telling my self that since I can barely breathe through my nose that my throat is probably just inflamed too and everything is going to be OK. I am not really believing that though. Can anyone relate or give me some feedback?

Thanks in advance.


Kate 1956
26-08-13, 20:35
Many people with HA have an overactive imagination and because you are anxious you are thinking the worst. Smoking could give you the symptoms you describe. Although really hard, if you gave up you would possibly feel more reassured about things.X

26-08-13, 21:17
Hi J2,

I'm an oral cancer survivor. After three surgeries, and 6 weeks of radiation and chemo that was the most brutal experience you could possibly imagine, I'm NED (no evidence of disease). I'm 4 months post treatment and finally starting to get back to normal. The side effects will be with me the rest of my life. Realistically, I have a 50/50 chance of recurrence in the next two years. If I make it past that, my chances improve to about 80/20. If this scares you, it's intentional and for a reason.

I can tell you with all certainty, if this is cancer, you would have had symptoms a long time ago. It would never get to the point of cutting off your airway without first showing itself in other ways.

The only way to absolutely diagnose OC is through a biopsy of a suspected spot or tumor. The only way that can be done is through an exam by an ENT, preferably one that's familiar with OC. An experienced ENT will know what to look for.

GERD along with smoking would definitely give you the symptoms you described and a few GERD symptoms sometimes mimic OC symptoms . If you have sinus congestion, then most certainly there are some allergies involved and that along with your HA is aggravating the situation.

Now... that being said. If you want to thwart the possibility of ever getting OC, then QUIT SMOKING NOW!!! Also, go get the HPV vaccine. Most oral cancers are caused by smoking and drinking. Also, there is a percentage of OC cases that are caused by the HPV16 strain of the virus (Michael Douglas smoked, drank and has HPV). I smoked and drank for 35 years and my tumors were HPV16 positive so I know what I'm talking about.

I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worst enemy. It was absolutely brutal! Save yourself from the chance of getting this horrible disease and quit smoking!

Best to you
