View Full Version : Can anxiety lead to paranoia?

26-08-13, 19:52
For the past 9 months or so I have been dealing with what feels like extreme anxiety. Constant worry, fear, panic attacks, sweating and suicidal thoughts. Eventually I decided to seek help and was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and panic disorder and I've been on medication for the past few weeks.

I've also been feeling paranoid that I've done something wrong, I've annoyed people and that someone is out to get me. To deal with this my front door has to be locked 24/7, I can't relax unless the blinds are closed and at nights the blinds AND curtains have to be closed so people don't see I have my lights on and know that I'm home. I have a constant fear of my phone ringing or that somebody will come to my door and I hate giving away personal information. I use to "check in" in apps like four square but now I look back at it thinking how stupid I was to give out my location.

Is this just the results of anxiety left untreated for so long or could this point to something else? I'm fed up and it feels like my brain is being destroyed with all this worry.

26-08-13, 20:17
It's the result of fear. What you are doing boils down to safety behaviour. You're brain is just in hyperactive-safety mode.

Kate 1956
26-08-13, 20:22
The most difficult thing to do when you feel like this is to relax. Ironically though it would help you the most. When you are generally more relaxed you are less likely to suffer with extreme forms of panic which is what you're describing. Try and find something that you can get absorbed in, although this is hard for you at the moment. It would be the start of your recovery.......mindfulness, meditation, yoga, self help books.........etc

26-08-13, 22:36
Yup, relaxing has been extremely difficult but hopefully it'll get easier. Thanks for the comments. They're reassuring as sometimes I'm totally convinced I've lost my mind and I'm scared to tell people how bad things are encase I'm locked away.

26-08-13, 22:36
Paranoia brought on by fear. Fear brought on by anxiety and stress.

I used to think that every random person I met was going to attack me. I'd always imagine how I'd fight them off and what I could use as a weapon. Every time they would just walk past me.
Geez. I've made some progress since last year....

26-08-13, 23:03
I have similar thoughts towards people. I make sure nobody is watching when I walk through the front door, I like to have something that could be used to defend myself encase somebody comes to the door and is a threat...I've found myself doing other strange things too. Letting someone pass the garden before I head in the same direction cause I don't trust them walking behind me and questioning the motives of any car that slows down near me or person who glances in my direction more than once. I've even started talking as quietly as possible when telling a bus driver where I'm going so passengers don't hear me and anything with my address on it needs to be shredded.

I've noticed other strange things too, like my hearing is amplified. I sometimes feel like I could hear a feather drop on my carpet it feels that sensitive.

27-08-13, 13:25
Yeah. Sounds like paranoia to me. In my opinion you should check out a specialist. What you're describing sounds to diminish the quality of your life.