View Full Version : Neck clicking/immininent crisis (NOT)

26-08-13, 21:56
Does anybody else have a clicky neck? as in REALLY clicky? My lower back does it too - and I have been this way for about thirty or forty years so I assume it isn't anything awful though I guess it may eventually become painful.

Today I had a panic related to this for the first time in ages, when I went to the loo and suddenly was aware of a rhythmic, whooshing sound in my ears, which I think is related to certain positions my neck is in. Although this has never led to anything serious, I have moments when I am convinced it is some blood vessel about to burst (I doubt this is even anatomically accurate!) and it panics me severely until a few minutes have passed without me collapsing with some unknown, rare, fatal blood vessel disorder.

My tinnitus has been worse lately and I have had occasional heartbeat-type noises and deep down am worried it is something seriously wrong with the blood vessels in my neck. I feel perfectly ok, no other symptoms other than this dread of it being Something Serious.

Can anybody relate to this one? :(

26-08-13, 22:47
Yes. I can hear my neck click when walking. I think it's due to my tinnitus.

Daisy Sue
26-08-13, 23:24
I can always hear my neck 'crunching' if I move it side to side.. I've put it down to old age (lol) and also have an inflammatory condition.

Maybe a bit of massage therapy might help you?

I think the heartbeat noises are to do with your tinnitus.. since I've had the ear infection, I get squeak squeak in my ear sometimes, in time with my heartbeat.

27-08-13, 00:05
Yes I too, sometimes get a clicky type feeling in my neck, mine usually clicks at the bottom of my neck, at the back. I've always put mine down to age too!!! lol.....it's never given me any pain, so I've never really bothered about it.

Tinnitus can cause all sorts of sounds to occur in your ears, as will a fluid build up in the little tube in your inner ear too, when I get blocked up with fluid, I get the whooshing sounds that seem to go in time with my heartbeat. My GP did tell me that it's not actually your heartbeat that you're hearing, it's actually the artery in you ear that you're hearing.

I'm sure that all is fine hun, it sounds to me like you may have 2 completely different things going on, and because they're in close proximity, it's making you worry that all the symptoms are coming from one place.

I'm sure it's nothing serious, but if you're really worried about the arteries in your neck, why not ask your GP to refer you for a neck scan hun, it's probably all fine, but maybe that would put your mind at rest and stop your awful panic :hugs:

27-08-13, 00:24
I suppose because I feel once I go down the route of asking for things to be checked, that is the way further madness lies... ;)

01-09-13, 17:43
OK so I had to go back about my ears - it is tinnitus but also the infection I had treated hadn't quite gone. Not my usual doctor but a lovely, humorous guy so before I left I said, "I'm really sorry, but please can you reassure my Prozac-laden brain? I have this weird clicky neck, which I've had for forty years, and sometimes I feel as though my whole head is pulsing. Please can you tell me it isn't going to kill me?"
He burst out laughing and said, "It isn't going to kil you!"

So I said thank you and left...

01-09-13, 18:07
OK so I had to go back about my ears - it is tinnitus but also the infection I had treated hadn't quite gone. Not my usual doctor but a lovely, humorous guy so before I left I said, "I'm really sorry, but please can you reassure my Prozac-laden brain? I have this weird clicky neck, which I've had for forty years, and sometimes I feel as though my whole head is pulsing. Please can you tell me it isn't going to kill me?"
He burst out laughing and said, "It isn't going to kil you!"

So I said thank you and left...

:D Sounds like a cool doctor! Btw, my neck's not so much clicky as crunchy. When I move my head from side to side, it makes a noise like someone walking on gravel and makes the occasional click. It's been the same for years - I have no idea what it is but I've always just ignored it. My head will probably drop off one day but I won't worry about it until it does.

Pip x

01-09-13, 18:19
"my neck's not so much clicky as crunchy"

After two tonsillectomies, biopsies and 30 radiation treatments, you should hear the sounds my neck makes! ~lol~ Not to mention the aches and pains! It sounds like someone is scrunching wax paper in there! ;)

Ear buds, good tunes, narcotics and an occasional beer or two help drown out the sound ;)

01-09-13, 18:25
Yes I'm more of a cruncher really - it has done it since I was at least ten... just occasionally I get a weird head thing like everything is whooshing in time to my heart - it feels like it's connected with the neck but it's probably my ear I think...

01-09-13, 20:08
Crunchers and clickers unite! If we could just find a clanger, we could start our own percussion group :winks:


harrys mummy
01-09-13, 20:20
I know how you feel, I get this really tight pressure feeling in my neck that I can only relieve by cricking my neck, sometimes its so loud and joults me im scarred im going to break my neck!!!

Hasn't yet, lol! Its done it for as long as I can remember xx

01-09-13, 21:43
Crunchers and clickers unite! If we could just find a clanger, we could start our own percussion group :winks:


The "HA Neck Clunchers" ~lol~

01-09-13, 22:12
The "HA Neck Clunchers" ~lol~
I've dropped many a clanger in my time... :blush:

02-09-13, 09:45
My neck cracks and crunches, I also have pain just above my right shoulder. Where my neck starts, it's very annoying can't seem to get relief from it. Had it a long time now.

02-09-13, 12:42
I know mine is better if I am exercising the muscles. Am seeing the physio about my hands in an hour, might ask!