View Full Version : have i got diabetees?

21-10-06, 17:04
need to check something with you all, i have had shakey lightheaded feelings all week, is this diabettes or just going through a bad spell of anxiety with panicy feeling when i start to feel dzzy?

21-10-06, 17:11

Def dont think you have diabetes, i went through a spell of this, i felt very weak and lightheaded and shaky as if i hadnt eaten when i had, for about 3 weeks, i had blood tests done and they came back fine , it is just anxiety, it does strange things to us!!

Try not to worry x

Claire x

21-10-06, 17:19
The dizziness is the most common symptom - I had it for many years.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


21-10-06, 17:22
These sound like anxiety symptoms. If you are still worried it takes 5 minutes for a diabetes test at doctors and it will put or mind at rest.

Mel xxx

21-10-06, 18:32
"The dizziness is the most common symptom - I had it for many years."

Hi Nicola

I have noticed that you have made the above stament in several postings. Can you give advice on how you managed to get rid/overcome it. Did you have it constantly? Also did you get the feeling you were walking on sponges or swaying on a boat? Hope I am not being too personal but this dizziness problem seems to be an issue for many and as she know it is a very scary symptom. Thanks.


21-10-06, 19:42
I get those symptoms too. I'm sure they aren't diabetes although I did wonder myself for a while, especially as I was really thirsty and going to the loo loads.

I do wonder if they are made worse by low blood sugar though, and I do try to eat low GI foods to keep me going, and I feel better after a snack (eg banana or chocolate!).

As someone said though, you can get a check at your doctors / practice nurse if you are worried.

21-10-06, 20:00

Mine went gradually when I started a new exercise regime and diet. It wasn't overnight though.

I used to have to hold on to things in shops to steady me and had it for a few years. I went to see a neurologist and ENT specialist and both told me there were no issues and it was anxiety.

I found this hard to accept but they must have been right cos it did go in the end.

I used to hate it and it scared me cos I felt as though I couldn't walk anywhere without feeling dizzy/faint.

Exercise definitely helped - swimming was what I started with.

Breathing exercises help it too.

Hope that helps.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


21-10-06, 20:05
Hi Nicola,

Thanks for your reply. It certainly sounds very similar to what I have and it is scary. I think accepting it is only anxiety and nothing more sinister is the hardest part. I know I need to exercise more but the dizziness puts me off. I will try swimming with my daughter this week and be a bit more confident.

Thanks again


21-10-06, 20:25
When I first started getting panic attacks I got myself pretty convinced that it was asthma! A lot of the symptoms are similar. I also wondered about diabetes and a thyroid problem and had tests which were clear. At the time I kinda hoped it was thyroid and a daily tablet would have sorted everything out!

22-10-06, 11:46
hi i get this alot tooit is anxiety.i had diabetes test and it was all clear.if you are concerned lloyds chemist do a diabetic test there and then and you get results straight away.take care tracy

22-10-06, 21:10

back in aug/sep i went through this, it was horrible felt like i was gonna passout, kept getting shooting pains up the left side of my head like like shocks, was very strange. i think its just anxiety


i just wanna feel normal

23-10-06, 10:28
I agree with the blood sugar statement- I get very weak and light headed when i have low blood sugar. Then what i find happens is i panic about that, which makes me feel spacey and faint.

Make sure you're eating well. Avoid processed crap if you can - some people swear it fuels anxiety (probably cos of all the additives, sweeteners, etc). Oh and drink plenty of water - I read the other day that you can be dehydrated enough to really affect your brain performance long before you actually feel thirsty!

Take care.xx

23-10-06, 13:41
Pretty sure its anxiety pet.I had similar feelings and tests for diabetes,test came back ok.;)

Ellen XX