View Full Version : Anxiety worse at night..

26-08-13, 22:59
Does anyone else find that there anxiety is worse at night?? I can get these pains in the day and easily just brush them off but when they happen at night I just can't control myself :(

27-08-13, 21:30
yep im the same

28-08-13, 00:35
Same here, and even worse on weekends. I think it's the sense that help isn't as readily available at night. Also the fear that I might die in my sleep. Finally as you get more tired nerves get worse and rational thought is harder. I think it's pretty normal.

28-08-13, 00:41
Same here, and even worse on weekends. I think it's the sense that help isn't as readily available at night. Also the fear that I might die in my sleep. Finally as you get more tired nerves get worse and rational thought is harder. I think it's pretty normal.

Lol same here. Mainly the sense that help isn't readily available.

28-08-13, 01:14
Yes it is. I'm in hell !!!
Hello everyone,
I’m new here and I need some help please.
It started 2 month ago, when I was on vacation, both my feet got really swollen for a week.
When I came back home, went for blood test, ANA test and RA test (all negative).
Then my new symptoms started: muscle pain in arms, legs, fingers aaaand twitching in all limbs.
Went on Google and bingo: ALS.
Make a long story short, I’m scared. Went to the doctor today and he did basic neuro test (balance arms and leg strength, close your eyes, reflex...) and he said all is ok. To calm me down he gave me a referral for a neurologist.
I cried all day, and was sooo scared today. My problem is my tongue feels really funny (when I open my mouth to yawn, I cant finish the yawn. I went in front of the mirror and noticed my tongue is turning to the right side of my mouth when I attempt to yawn.
Please, please tell me I’m not crazy. I feel like dying I’m sooo scared. What is wrong with me?
Has anyone had a problem like this with their tongue before, if yes please help me.

28-08-13, 03:23
Hate night time ;(

30-08-13, 00:33
Same here, and even worse on weekends. I think it's the sense that help isn't as readily available at night. Also the fear that I might die in my sleep. Finally as you get more tired nerves get worse and rational thought is harder. I think it's pretty normal.

Yeah I believe that it's partly to do with everywhere being shut of a nighttime also that my partner doesn't live with us so it's just me and my little one in the house so I know I'm restricted to the house... Which is annoying for me as I tend to like to be outside when I'm panicky. Luckily since posting this I've managed to reduce my stress and my anxiety has eased off (touch wood)

30-08-13, 02:09
I tend to get more spaced out at night and my breathing gets more intense! I'm pretty sure it's the fear of not being able to sleep because i know how bad i feel if i don't sleep and stay awake for a long time.

30-08-13, 03:15
Hi Seth
I'm in the same boat, this cycle of being scared to sleep
then feeling more weird by the lack of it:scared15: convinced if
I could sort my sleep I would feel so much better but also to scared
to take sleeping tablets

30-08-13, 19:18
It's horrible at night time, especially when something specific is on your mind.

30-08-13, 20:47
Yep, definitely worse at night...I think it's because there are no day to day distractions! I've downloaded some relaxing mp3s which help a bit - maybe give that a go? x