View Full Version : Depressed and anxious

21-10-06, 17:28

I have been feeling really down of late, so depressed, i dont want to do anything or feel excited about anything, i get these weird moments which can last from an hour to days, where i feel totally out of it like im on drugs my mind has totally gone, and i cant think at all, i feel on another planet, it feels worse than depersonaltion.

I am convinced that someting is mentally wrong with me, and i will go over the edge, to where i dont know! i have been getting severe stabbing pains in my head, and think that i have either a blood clot or brain tumor and that is why i feel so confused sometimes, i am so scared.

I tried to go out on thursday only lasted an hour, and a severe headache and had to rush out making an idiot out of myself in front of people at work who now think im a freak!

My boyfriend has just gone out, we were both invited to a wedding do, and i said that i wasnt going, then today as said ok i will come and he said you cant as im going with my mates now! which has left me feeling even worse, i think he just wants a break from me to be honest, but it hurts.

My girlfriends have asked me to go out but i am too scared and feel terrible anxious and depressed and just not here my thoughts and emotions are all over the place, i am so scared to have a beer, but i am longing for one!! Feel very confused at the moment.

I have been taking citalopram for 16 days now and feel really crap!! dont feel any better, i feel so numb and weird is this normal!! ??

Any advice will help? thanks for listening to my rant, im scared

Claire xx

21-10-06, 17:47
Hi Claire,

I have had times where everything is weird, I also get stress headaches which are pretty severe. Maybe a trip to the GP about the headaches will put your mind at rest over them. Maybe get your eyes checked as well as eyestrain can cause headaches.

As for your boyfriend, bit insensitive I admit but I guess he has a right to make alternative plans and you were his first choice as company, console yourself with that.

Why don't you have a girls night in, rent some DVDs etc, catch up on all the gossip, should help lift your spirits.

Citalopram can take a while to work so give it a little while longer. Everything is normal in the world of panic and anxiety.

Chin up and take care

Hugs to you


Remember tomorrow is another day!

21-10-06, 19:14
Hi Claire

I am so sorry you feel so bad!!!!:(. But remember it will get better. Give the tablets time to work. How long have you been feeling like this.
From Bubba

21-10-06, 19:15
Hi Claire

I am so sorry you feel so bad!!!!:(. But remember it will get better. Give the tablets time to work. How long have you been feeling like this.
From Bubba

21-10-06, 20:25

thanks for the replys, i am just gonna get a dvd and try to chill out, i have felt like this on and off for the last 3 months since i took myself off cipralex, lately the feelings are here all the time, cant wait to get better, its been 4 years now and this relapse has been my worst ever


Claire x

21-10-06, 23:17
Hi Claire sorry your feeling crappy pet.Citalopram take time to work,and can make you feel a bit odd while its kicking in.Try and relax with you dvd.I had to miss a wedding reception due to my anxiety,dont let it get you down.Things will get better soon.

Ellen XX