View Full Version : Health Issues fueling my Depression

27-08-13, 08:42
Hi Everyone,

I'm not really sure if anyone can help or give advice or just offer support/understanding?

If you have read my first post, where I have introduced myself, you can see that I have quite a lot of health problems.


Hential Hernia
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Extreme Anxiety and Anxiety attacks
Low Self Esteem

I'm 26.

This has been really effecting my self esteem, especially in my relationship with my boyfriend.

He is really a nice guy and supports me and loves me, but he also gets tired of me being sick all the time, which I do not blame him for, it is quite a lot to deal with if you are not use to it.

I have also lost a lot of weight due to my struggle with my Hernia and IBS these past couple of months, and finally they figured out what was wrong with me, which now makes me quite underweight.

I feel really ugly, I look at other girls my age, being healthy, beautiful and having kids and I just want to cry.

I feel like my boyfriend will eventually get fed up with me and just want a normal girlfriend, one with less issues.

We have a new girl starting at work soon, which I have not met yet, and I'm petrified that my boyfriend might fall for her and leave me. (We work at the same company).

I know I should focus on my strengths, but really all I'm seeing when I look in the mirror is a failure.
