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View Full Version : I know you are probably fed up with me but I need help

27-08-13, 09:49
I really can't take much more I always seem to be having something. I have health anxiety well that's what the doctors tell me. I feel so drained my son is off to university one week before I go into hospital for a major operation. And I just can't cope with it all . I have had many tests over the years and in June had heart monitor, bp monitor and echo and ECG. The cardiologist said everything was fine, but when I got my letter from my gynacologist surgeon explaining the date and time for my admission he had done all my health tests results and it mentioned something about mild mr trace that freaked me out so I phoned the cardiologist and he was lovely and said its very common and nothing to worry about and that's why he said everything was fine, it also said I had an episode of bracacardia at 4 am when my heart rate went down to 48 bpm . I always pick up on the negative never the positive. The thing is I seem to be in lots of pain in centre of chest and it goes right round from under my breasts to my back like a band. Sometimes I struggle to get out of bed as it hurts to move. My doctor keeps saying its muscular but I' m not so sure. I get palpatations and some are really forceful and painful, I hear my heartbeat in my ears, I get neck and head pain. And I just feel like crying all the time. I hate being like this everyone says I've lost my sparkle and I feel so down. I get so anxious being alone, I get panic attacks if I'm out shopping alone its awful. I am dreading myon going to university as I will be all alone, and I'm petrified of having this operation. I feel like just running away. Sorry for going on but I just needed to talk to someone. I just hope my symptoms are anxiety and nothing serious.:weep::weep:

*Fallen Angel*
27-08-13, 10:18
Firstly (hugs) sorry to hear you feel so unwell. I have HA plus other illnesses that make my HA worse and I sometimes think it's a vicious circle. Plus anxiety itself will add on other aches and pains, especially in the chest. It's really good that the tests you've had so far have come back clear - try and hold onto that positive.

Being anxious and scared does make our bodies tense up and that can cause muscular pain even if we don't feel tight or in pain at the time. Quite often it comes on after, a bit like it you've exercised and you feel it the next day.

27-08-13, 10:27
Thank you for replying, I am really struggling so much. It's so hard to think all these symptoms are anxiety. I just don't know how I am going to cope with my son going to university and my operation. It's all to much for me