View Full Version : Aorta always active when lying on back.

27-08-13, 09:53
So i had a slightly better time sleeping last night. I was given brandy mixed with milk to help me sleep but i doubt that it helped in anyway since i still had sleeping issues.

But the main thing that bothers me is my Aorta is always pumping, and when i was anxious or had a fast heart i could really feel it (not pain however).

I read something about Aortic Aneurysm and it really worried me. It isn't that noticeable any other positions however.

Plus i stayed up because i had subconscious anxiety.

27-08-13, 09:59
You must be a Cardiologist to know that it's your Aorta pumping!

What makes you believe it's your Aorta and not your heart?

27-08-13, 10:09
Because i feel it in my upper abdomen. But as i said it goes down if i am calm.

27-08-13, 10:42
Do you have medical experience?

I have. It will just be your heart. Regardless of where you feel the beating. I regularly experience palpitations when feeling anxious. Feels like a drum in my chest. I can feel it in various places.

Its a harmless palpatation. If you're concerned then see a cardiologist.

27-08-13, 10:54
Do you have medical experience?

I have. It will just be your heart. Regardless of where you feel the beating. I regularly experience palpitations when feeling anxious. Feels like a drum in my chest. I can feel it in various places.

Its a harmless palpatation. If you're concerned then see a cardiologist.

I had an ECG a few weeks back, they said all i has was sinus tachycardia. But i was a bit nervous at the time so yeah.

An X Ray too which said my heart size was normal. But the last two nights i had very little sleep and its been giving me anxiety. Im blaming it on this Sudafed i was taking, apparently it has chemicals which are powerful stimulants. Also causes palpitations.

27-08-13, 11:03
Sinus tachycardia simply means a fast heart beat.

I really don't know where you got the idea of a beating aorta. An aorta is simply the large bundle of Arteries that direct the blood away from the heart. It has no beating mechanism. The heart only has the beating mechanism. During fast heart beats or palpitations however, we can feel the 'beating' sensation throughout out bodies such as the neck. It's just the blood pumping around.

It sounds to me very much like a very very harmless palpitation. Especially if you've had both an ECG and Xray.

27-08-13, 11:38
Sinus tachycardia simply means a fast heart beat.

I really don't know where you got the idea of a beating aorta. An aorta is simply the large bundle of Arteries that direct the blood away from the heart. It has no beating mechanism. The heart only has the beating mechanism. During fast heart beats or palpitations however, we can feel the 'beating' sensation throughout out bodies such as the neck. It's just the blood pumping around.

It sounds to me very much like a very very harmless palpitation. Especially if you've had both an ECG and Xray.

Then im just feeling the beating sensation in my upper abdomen.

Im going to be in bed most of today since i feel kinda sick though, felt nauseous and have a lack of appetite.

27-08-13, 13:45
I can feel my heart beating in my lower and upper abdomen every - single - time I lay on my back. I'd rather worry when you try to look for your heart's pulse and cant find it in any way, haha.

I've had what you have right now. These are needless worries if you've had an ECG. I never even went for an X-ray. But if the docs say you're fine you should be fine.

It gets worse the more you think about it right? When you read about it, it gets more intense, right?

Hope you feel better. Stay strong.

27-08-13, 14:14
I can feel my heart beating in my lower and upper abdomen every - single - time I lay on my back. I'd rather worry when you try to look for your heart's pulse and cant find it in any way, haha.

I've had what you have right now. These are needless worries if you've had an ECG. I never even went for an X-ray. But if the docs say you're fine you should be fine.

It gets worse the more you think about it right? When you read about it, it gets more intense, right?

Hope you feel better. Stay strong.

Thanks for the reassurance. I hope things improve for me within the next month. I will probably be much calmer once i can get some decent sleep again.

27-08-13, 19:51
The reason you are feeling your heartbeat like this is because:

A: Your muscles are tensed up and your body is sensitized due to anxiety.

B: Your state of anxiety is putting adrenaline into your bloodstream and causing your heart to pump harder.

These are palpitations.

27-08-13, 19:55
On the plus side, you'd be dead if it wasn't active.

I get the same feeling fairly often so it's nothing to worry about. I can also feel my earlobes beating, my upper lip, temples, teeth and sometimes even my nipples at times. :shades:

27-08-13, 20:43
On the plus side, you'd be dead if it wasn't active.

I get the same feeling fairly often so it's nothing to worry about. I can also feel my earlobes beating, my upper lip, temples, teeth and sometimes even my nipples at times. :shades:

I get it in my teeth, temples and neck sometimes... But nipples? haha :D

That's good stuff :)

27-08-13, 23:32
I'm saying this in the nicest possible way, I'm not getting at you, just trying to help :)

I too, am not understanding how you think it's your Aorta? To me it just sounds like normal heart sounds. We often notice our heartbeat more when we're in bed at night, simply because we have nothing else to distract us, but it sounds normal to me.

I don't know whether, or not, you've ever sought help for your anxiety, but I really think that that would be the most positive thing you could do for yourself, you seem to be obsessed with your heart and everything about it and it's going to end up taking over your life if it hasn't already done so.

As I've said, I'm only trying to help you, it's very sad that you're being ruled by this unhealthy obsession with your heart. Life is for living and enjoying and that is exactly what you should be doing :)

27-08-13, 23:37
I'm saying this in the nicest possible way, I'm not getting at you, just trying to help :)

I too, am not understanding how you think it's your Aorta? To me it just sounds like normal heart sounds. We often notice our heartbeat more when we're in bed at night, simply because we have nothing else to distract us, but it sounds normal to me.

I don't know whether, or not, you've ever sought help for your anxiety, but I really think that that would be the most positive thing you could do for yourself, you seem to be obsessed with your heart and everything about it and it's going to end up taking over your life if it hasn't already done so.

As I've said, I'm only trying to help you, it's very sad that you're being ruled by this unhealthy obsession with your heart. Life is for living and enjoying and that is exactly what you should be doing :)

Yeah it is, but don't you worry. I am seeing people regarding my anxiety but i don't think its enough. I would love to meet other anxiety sufferers around my age so i won't feel so alone...but its hard.

The sleeping problems i had for the past three days are not helping matters, been waking up with nausea too (it goes quickly thank god). Stopped taking what i think was causing it (sudafed) so it should be okay tonight or tomorrow night.

And don't worry, you are great at helping. Plus i havn't been using my steth either lately :D