View Full Version : Really bad night - stomach issues

*Fallen Angel*
27-08-13, 10:14
I've had a really bad and scary night with my tummy pain. I've been treated for anemia for a few months but at the end of June started with period type pain a week or so before I was due. The pain's never really gone although it does vary in location and severity. Dr examined my stomach and said he couldn't feel anything but as he was waiting on my coeliac blood result said he wouldnt' treat the tummy pain as it could be that.

Found out it was negative so not coeliac but tummy ache/pain still there. For the most part I have just been living with it as it's not bad enough usually for me to take pain killers but more annoying dull ache. Anyway yesterday afternoon started with what felt like period pain (due on in 4 days) but it felt really bad, burning as well. Then I started with a sharp pain on my lower right abdomen roughly where I imagine the ovary is. It travelled down and went underneath, if you get me:blush:. Really sharp and stabbing along with a feeling of pressure. Now I've had this once before about 4 months ago but I took painkillers and it went.

I do get ov pain each month so know what that feels like and this wasn't the same although similar. I am now convinced I have a cyst. I have a drs appt Thursday so will mention it to him again and try and push for a scan.

I just want to be well, sick of being in pain:weep:. When I mentioned a cyst to him he said it was highly unlikely and I was too young?!!

Anyone here had cysts? Do they feel the same as what I've described?

27-08-13, 16:26
How old are you?
I was having irregular periods and my drs initial thought was stress ( I was sick for a very long time with an undiagnosed infected blocked gallbladder) but he sent me for a scan anyway ( then my gb was discovered!)
Anyways, I have cysts on my ovaries.
For me I get irregular bleeding. I get bad cramping in the ovaries, different side each month. The pain even goes into my groin.

I was meant to go back after my surgery to see about the next step but I haven't gotten around too it :/ I really need too tho before I start stressing even more. The burning could be a sign of endometriosis, that's really common. I haven't been diagnosed with this but I do believe I have it.

---------- Post added at 00:56 ---------- Previous post was at 00:55 ----------

I've gotten cysts on and off since 15! I'm 23 now. They seem to come and go with every few cycles.

*Fallen Angel*
30-08-13, 12:50
Hi Marni

I'm 34. Never had gynae problems before, infact till they started at the end of June, I've been really lucky, always regular, not too painful etc. But now, I'm in pain every day and during time of the month it's 10 times worse:weep:

I saw my dr yesterday who gave my tummy and lower abdo a thorough feel. He couldn't feel anything but I am a large person so it might be covered in fat:blush:. He's referred me for an ultrasound to take a closer look. He didn't seem worried and I'm not being referred urgently so I have to wait up to 3 months here in Wales.

Meanwhile I'm in alot of pain, he told me to just take pain killers but they don't work. I'm so frightened today and have been googling ov cancer and I fit most of the symptoms. I know it's easy to make yourself fit them but I just want to know what's wrong with me.

I've just had a huge row with my other half as he is fed up of me being this way and I just have no-one to talk to. I'm scared I won't be here this time next year and my daughter, who is only 8 won't have a mother. I just want to wake up well tomorrow.