View Full Version : Im new to this :)

27-08-13, 11:43
Hey my names Natalie, im 23 i thought to join this site as i would like to make some friends here hopefully. Would be nice to talk to people who are experiencing similar things to myself. I've had problems with anxiety since a kid and now im suffering from panic attacks.

27-08-13, 14:23
hello Natalie,your not alone :) hope you find NMP really helpful and everyones very friendly,ive only recently joined myself but im already finding it great help,i was also an anxious kid since as far back as I remember and had no reason to be anxious....anyway hope you find it as helpful here as I am :) bye for now x

27-08-13, 14:29
Hi Natalie. I'm 24. Mine started with anxiety I didn't know I had then panic attacks at school. I now have general anxiety. I'm ok but have bad days and often the same intrusive thoughts.
Hope you get help here. I come and go on here

27-08-13, 17:20
Thanks johnathan, I'm glad your finding it helpful hopefully I will too :). It's just nice to know I'm not the only 1 going threw this as at times it's very difficult. Yeah a lot of people with this type of thing have anxiety as kids. Yeah Jen I get the intrusive thoughts too and it drives me mad sometimes I have to just remember to ignore them even though it's difficult. I get crazy symptoms aswell like numbness and tingling and loads of other weird stuff makes me worry all the time there's something wrong :( I have a 11month old too and it can make it so difficult to look after her sometimes but i have to be strong panic attacks suck :( have either of you seen a therapist or anything about it? I should be hopefully soon x

27-08-13, 21:37
hey :) I have seen a therapist for it but I get physical symptoms that feel so real I always question the doctors that maybe they have missed something,like my heart is my main concern,always worried it isn't beating strong enough,and irregular but they say its my anxiety :( im thinking of going back onto medication for anxiety as its been a year and a half since I was on medication last,i don't like taking meds so I always struggle to stake them incase they make me worse,i was on citalopram for 4-5 years and it did help ease the worrying about my health,came off thinking I could handle my anxiety alone....maybe I was wrong.are you on any medication? x

28-08-13, 21:06
I'm exactly the same I always think they've missed something, or they are not taking me seriously :( yeah I can totally relate to you Jonathan I think the same things about my heart, but I went to the doctors 2months ago and she listened to it and said it's strong and regular and I had a ECG test done a few months ago and they said the results were normal. No I haven't ever been on meds i've been offered them though and they said a lot of the time they make the anxiety worse at first that's why I didn't take them because it made me scared. I've been to a therapist before a while ago about social anxiety and it really helped so I'm going again about health anxiety :) hope you are ok anyway as we all know how much of a struggle it is x

29-08-13, 15:31
Hi Natalie,

I am new here too and have joined for the same reason as you. It is good to talk to people with similar experiences. Those who have never suffered just don't understand do they?


29-08-13, 16:37
No people who haven't had the same type of disorder will not understand.. Are you finding it helpful Dave?