View Full Version : upping dose,

27-08-13, 11:46
i have a question, been on 20mg citilapram for 4 months, and i dont think there working that great to be honest, and alot of my anxiety has come back after a few weeks of feeling ok, i want to ask the doctor to up my dose to 30mg, to be honest i feel a bit nervous to ask the doctor to up my dose, its just i know doctors sometimes think they know it all and my docs a bit patronizing, do doctors mind upping doses?? my anxiety has always made me a bit backward at comming forward if you know what i mean, and i always suffer in silence, any comments would be great thanks,

27-08-13, 11:51
dont suffer in silence ,go back to your doctor and tell him your views.

27-08-13, 21:13
Go back and talk to your Dr.

When you go see him you can be a bit smart with what you say - list your symptoms, explain you are not sure if the medication is helping or not and that you would appreciate his advice on if increasing the dosage or trying alternative medication would help. That way you are not telling him what do to or asking for an increase, you are simply seeking his advice... but you have made it clear you would be happy to try an increase.

If he is one of these "I know best, do as I say" doctors then in the long run I would recommend changing to a different doctor. Treatment should be something that is discussed and planned together, not something he tells you what to do because 'he knows best'.......... but for now I think if you approach it as suggested you will hopefully have success.

Just to add that in my experience they do not normally mind increasing the dose of this type of medication. Generally if it isn't working they increase the dose a couple of times and if you are still stuck after that then they switch to a new medication. I'm pretty sure with Citalopram you can go up to 40mg safely.

27-08-13, 23:44
thanks for the advice guys,