View Full Version : Feeling so broken

27-08-13, 15:43
Just got back from shopping to buy new clothes, as soon as i walk in the streets with big crowds of people i started feeling completely anxious. Just feel so very out of it, and wanted to go home.. Did manage to buy some clothes ...sigh.

Next week i'm supposed to start a new Bachelor study in Oriental Languages & Communication (Chinese). Studying the Chinese language, culture, law etc. for 4 years. Which could be awesome, but i don't even feel like i can do it...with these horrible anxiety feelings. It's a hard study and i have no idea how to do it feeling like this. I'd have to move out to. I seriously feel like pulling back..

I'm so confused... no idea what to do at all. I don't want to go on meds either. I only feel normal when i sit safe at home on my laptop.. as soon as i get out of my comfort zone (like driving, going out, meeting people, moving out) i'm feeling horrible. I told my mom i'm having anxiety aswell today, because i just couldn't hold it in anymore.. she already kinda knew tho... :weep:

27-08-13, 17:33
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. Anxiety can make life so hard. I can't tell you what you ought to do, but it would be a shame to let the anxiety stop you from pursuing the education and career that you've worked so hard for.

I would ask for help, from your mum and your doctor, if I were you. It doesn't necessarily have to mean meds.

Hope things get better and that you can live the full life that you deserve.

27-08-13, 18:08
Don't dwell on the "what if's" Take the leap. It might be super difficult at first but you will get used to it. Humans are pretty good at adjusting to new things.