View Full Version : I can still feel it there...

27-08-13, 15:54
It's been over three years now since I took six weeks off work with depression and anxiety. Caused by stress at work.
I spent the time with my family, travelled and took a wonderful combination of citalopram and propanolol (magical stuff!!).

I've spent the last three years running my own business after breaking away from the company that was giving me hell and hae had SO MUCH fun and freedom. It's like a new life.

Things are getting VERY busy now at work, and It's a struggle to keep up. But I know that's a good thing and I'm about to begin employing people to take the strain and help me to boost the company's turnover.

But I can still feel the tiny scar of depression picking at me on the odd occasion - usually when I'm overwheamed with work. Work pressure must be a trigger of sorts for me.

One thing that my Doc told me long ago that I hang on to is that the feeling is CHEMICAL, not emotional. Depletion of seratonin caused by long periods of stress - which is how citalopram works, by blockig the re-uptake of seartonin in the brain.

Everything is great, there's no reason I should feel down. And when I think that thought, I know that the feeling is simply just a ghost of my past - and it can never hurt me again.


27-08-13, 18:50
Im really so happy for u. Im on same but escilalipram, its been my 6th week so far so hope I get better too.
