View Full Version : Botulism fear

27-08-13, 16:16
I am paranoid about getting botulism. I know that botulism is rare everywhere and that the UK has pretty much the lowest botulism incidence in the world, but I've still managed to convince myself I'm going to get it.

Anyway, today I was cleaning out the fridge and I found a piece of onion tied up in a plastic bag that my sister put I there when she was visiting over a month ago. I broke open the bag, put the manky onion in the vegetable waste container on the draining board, put the bag in the bin and then took out the container and put the waste food (including the onion) in the compost bin.

However, it's been playing on my mind all day that onions are alkaline and hence a botulism risk when wrapped up in an airtight bag for over a month. When I broke open the bag, a little bit of moisture came out and I'm now paranoid that I sprayed botulism toxin all over the draining board, the countertop next to it, the bin and the table next to the bin, when I took the moist bag across the kitchen to throw it away.

I've cleaned the bin, tabletop and draining board with bleach, but I've now read that botulism toxin needs to be in contact with bleach for at least 20 minutes to ensure it's been denatured (I just wiped it on, then wiped it off). Plus I can't guarantee that microscopic particles of the onion liquid didn't get onto my clothes, my hair and other items on the countertop.

I'm not sure if this is HA or more of a OCD thing, but I'm just becoming more and more scared that my kitchen is contaminated and scared to use anything that might have come in contact with the onion juice, even if it's been washed.