View Full Version : I'm having a total panic (Syria related)

27-08-13, 19:19
America is apparently going into yet another war, which will no doubt make things worse and kill people who were nothing to do with it, like the previous ones did.
It also said on a political site that the UK couldn't even give aid to the rebels because it would start a new Cold War, but now they want to actually attack with missiles! What the he1l will that start?
It sounds selfish but I'm so scared that if I ever get to leave home my house will need a bunker. I should be planning shopping trips, not a bomb shelter! It's nearly 2014 and we were supposed to have advanced past this! :weep: :weep:

27-08-13, 20:22
I haven't read a newspaper for 3 weeks now and only listening to local news and this has helped calm my fears. I suggest that if it causes you so much anxiety then maybe you should think about doing the same.

27-08-13, 21:12
I haven't read a newspaper for 3 weeks now and only listening to local news and this has helped calm my fears. I suggest that if it causes you so much anxiety then maybe you should think about doing the same.
Thanks, but I'd rather not do that. I panic more if I don't know what's going on, and anyway to do that I'd have to never go out and leave forums and Google+, all of which I like. :blush:

27-08-13, 21:20
I don't mean to ignore it all completely, just that newspapers hype it all up so much and create more panic and fear than is often necessary.

27-08-13, 23:28
Ignore what's designed to scare you and make you buy into it. That is, newspapers, news headlines, and these online news articles that are now written by literally anyone. No nuclear has been mentioned, which is good.

28-08-13, 18:56
I wanted to post about this as I am also very worried, I am trying to ignore the news but part of me thinks that if I am informed about what it is happening it will somehow help me. I have always panicked about things like this and feel very anxious today , how come other people I know do not seem one bit concerned?

28-08-13, 20:42
I am not concerned at all about it. I am aware of it of course but it is better to 'wait to see what happens' as opposed to predicting future events. That is what anxiety causes us to do but this one really is out of our hands and therefore there is little we can do about it. Worrying about it will not alter the course of events so there is no point in worrying about it. That said, there probably will not be any events that directly impact us or our lives. I feel compassion for the people and ignore the paper rubbish. They love a big story.

28-08-13, 20:48
I find reading more, understanding the whys and wherefores helps me. That and protesting against it.

I have to say, I think I had my first anxieties on 9/11. I had a small son and was on my own and I lived near a large military base so I could hear lots of comings and goings..I used to lie awake worrying..


28-08-13, 21:38
I'm also worried about this but I'm angry as well. It seems like America is hell-bent on starting yet another war regardless of who was responsible for the alleged chemical attacks. Something about this just doesn't seem right. I can still remember the lies we were told before the Iraq war 10 years ago.
I hate anything to do with war and believe that a lot of these are orchestrated to further enrich the elites. I've done a lot of research online into this sort of thing. I really hope common sense will prevail.

28-08-13, 23:22
I find reading more, understanding the whys and wherefores helps me. That and protesting against it.

I have to say, I think I had my first anxieties on 9/11. I had a small son and was on my own and I lived near a large military base so I could hear lots of comings and goings..I used to lie awake worrying..

Thanks, I feel the same! I'm in CND and Stop The War Coalition, but I'm unemployed and often can't afford to go to the events. I go to the yearly conferences and my local CND group and sign petitions though. I really hope we don't worsen the war in Syria, but someone should do something. Dunno what that isn't a war though unfortunately!

29-08-13, 02:02
"how come other people I know do not seem one bit concerned?"

The atrocities happening in Syria and other countries around the world are reason to have have some concern no doubt. However, when situations are our of our control, it makes no difference how we feel.

Much like politics, we can be very passionate about our beliefs but we have but one vote to cast and if our candidate loses, there's nothing we can do about it. All the bitching and moaning in the world won't change the outcome. Much the same in this instance. There's nothing I, you or anyone (sans those in power) can do about it so why worry about it? Fact is, it won't change a thing.


29-08-13, 10:22
Thanks, I feel the same! I'm in CND and Stop The War Coalition, but I'm unemployed and often can't afford to go to the events. I go to the yearly conferences and my local CND group and sign petitions though. I really hope we don't worsen the war in Syria, but someone should do something. Dunno what that isn't a war though unfortunately!

I also support CND and just hope this can be sorted by talks. I feel that politicians are too quick to go down the war route. Why I have no idea! I would have thought that missile strikes on Syria will just intensify the pain and suffering of it's people. I hope that a solution can be reached by talks and negotiations.

29-08-13, 14:59
This has scared me too. Something needs to be done to help the people in that country but what I don't know. I imagine us getting involved will make us even more enemies and create more extremists to come over here and commit terror attacks on the innocent public not the war lords that govern this country

29-08-13, 16:41
This has scared me too. Something needs to be done to help the people in that country but what I don't know. I imagine us getting involved will make us even more enemies and create more extremists to come over here and commit terror attacks on the innocent public not the war lords that govern this country
I agree. War On Terror indeed! All they've done is wreck the Middle East and put a giant drop in the world economy, in order to have terrorist attacks go UP. Even Northern Ireland is starting again!

09-09-13, 18:44
I wanted to post again on this thread as I just have not been able to escape this today, I feel sick and panicky, people are predicting terrible things , I can't stop worrying about this, I don't want to ramble but I am scared today. Hopefully typing this will make me feel calmer.

09-09-13, 19:56
Hi, I think it's this that set me off again...

I put it down to all the stuff I was subjected to as a kid. My chatterbox tells me bad things, but in reality I can do nothing.

But when u look at the facts, the us does not actually want to start a war but send a warning about certain weapons. the uk is not involved parliament blocked military involvement and public support is virtually none existent. We are though sending humanitarian aide.

Had a panic attack writing this.

The world is a much more connected place, and only bad news sells.

So there I've rationalised it, that's got to be good ? Surely ?

And that's why no one ther than us panicers are bothered, they rationalise and we don't, we have nasty little chatter boxes.

09-09-13, 20:35
Thanks , you are so right if we could be rational about things then obviously the panic and anxiety would lessen. Your reply kind of answers my question why other people I know do not seem to care about this, but perhaps they do worry but like you say are able to look at things more logically, my mind has been in overdrive all day and I can't concentrate or settle. Thanks for replying it does help.