View Full Version : struggling with stress at home :(

27-08-13, 22:16
hi im 24 and ive 3 children under 4. im struggling with stress. i get irritated so easily and i should be spending more time with the kids but im more interested in trying to keep the house clean and tidy and then stress when its not. i hate relaxing it freaks me out. i love my children so much and i just want to be less irritable but im really struggling is there anything that would help me be a bit more laid back. the dr prescribed me prozac but im terrified to take them. im also suffering problems with my vision which makes me very frustrated like i cant see clearly and it makes it hard to concentrate which really annoys me. id appreciate any advice thankyou x

29-08-13, 13:08
I remember when my twins were babies and I used to run myself ragged trying to keep the house clean and getting 101 things done inbetween caring for them and it used to make me so tired and irritable and was so stressed my hair was falling out, so I can imagine how stressful ( and busy! ) you must be with 3 children under 4.

I know its hard to relax if the house is not tidy but it is good to get out for a walk and getting some fresh air with the children may help with stress. I'm not sure how old the other children are- but you could get the 4 yr old to help by getting them to pick up their toys or a little job to do as well. Do you get any timeout to yourself away from the house and children?

30-08-13, 16:47
Hi, I just happened to see your post and I wanted to send you hugs. It is really tough having three children under 4, I had twins and a 6 year old. It's not surprising you feel irritable and I think wanting to clean and tidy the house is a way of trying to get some control in a chaotic life.
It's great that you love your kids but probably what you really need is a little bit of time to yourself. You didn't say anything about your circumstances but if you can swop with another mum and have a couple of hours to just do something for yourself, not clean the house but whatever might make you feel good. Do you go out with the kids? Playgrounds are great for distracting them while the weather's good.
I was always terrified to take Prozac or anything like it, I didn't like what friends told me the side effects were. Herbal things can cost which may be a problem, but I've found Valerian helpful, 5HTP and vitamin B. Have a look in Boots or Holland and Barrett. Also of course teas like camomile. But if you hate to relax maybe you would be better doing something vigorous? Go for a run if you can get some childcare or do a dance class, anything to give you a break.
Really sympathise, I nearly went mad when mine were little! x