View Full Version : Prozac vs citalopram

27-08-13, 23:46
I was on fluoxitine for around 4yrs and had to come off it because it was doing nothing for me anymore. That was around 3yrs ago and now I'm having really bad problems with depression and anxiety. My doctor wants me to start taking citalopram and I think it's a good idea because I'm not really handling life at all just now. Thing is is that I'm terrified of medication. I'm really scared that I'm going to take it and be allergic to it. I can't get over my fear of it. I tried to speak to my doctor about it but he really wasn't very much help and certainly wasn't reassuring in the slightest. So I'm wondering if because I've had fluoxitine will I be ok on citalopram? I know they are in the same family of antidepressants and work in basically the same way but do the have the same ingredients pretty much? I'm really scared to take this tablet even though I feel like I really need it. I'm feeling really quite trapped between what I need and my fear.

28-08-13, 13:59
Well I've never taken fluoxetine but I can personally recommend citalopram. This is my second time on it and it's working very well. Have you read through the survival guide thread?